Hello teachers, fellow learners, and internet stalkers! Rather than discussing a specific project, this post will be regarding my Mid-year Presentation of Learning (mPOL). In other words, I will be describing the learning that has taken place during this school year, how I have grown as a learner… and how I further plan to improve upon myself.


✅ POL Declaration

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


🌱 Learning Plan

  • Above are my chosen Core Competencies from my Learning Plan.
  • Areas of growth I wanted to focus on include: collaborating with others, communicating, and maintaining a steady work-life balance.

🌎 Humanities

People & The Environment

  • GOAL of this project: discover about how People & the Environment affect each other… and write a letter to someone within the province who can make an impact on an environmental issue.
  • At first, I failed in creating a letter that met the criteria for this assignment… however, this gave me an opportunity to learn how to gracefully accept failure, and accept that it’s okay to fail.
  • After this experience, I am not quite as terrified of failing anymore. There’s nothing wrong with needing to revise; nothing is made flawless on the first try.

🧪 Scimatics

Correlation vs. Causation

  • GOAL of this project was to study correlations, conduct research, and create a presentation in which correlations are shown and analyzed.
  • Work-life balance was maintained well during this project.
  • However, I was not given an opportunity to work with a partner for this project, so I was unable to work much on improving my communication.
  • One thing I hope to improve on is gracefully accepting feedback from peers, even if it is unsolicited.


🌿 How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?



  • I am as of now more comfortable with failing, and I understand that it’s okay if I need to revise. I know to be realistic with my expectations given my situation.
  • I have noticed an overall improvement in my work-life balance as of late. Although that does not exactly prevent me from stressing over school, I am proud of my time management.


  • I believe that my recent projects show more originality and imagination (Working With Words, Chemistry Stories)
  • I have found that I enjoy school work immensely when I have creative freedom to express my ideas.


  • I am less terrified of asking teachers for help and communicating with my peers. Although I still face difficulties with this, I believe that I have still come a long way.


🎯 How can I sharpen my Learning plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?

Despite the growth I have demonstrated this year, I still have more room for improvement.

  • Communicating
  • Critical and Reflective Thinking
  • Positive Person and Cultural Identity


📌 Questions?