Month June 2022

If time is money, when do I get paid?  There’s no denying that we’ve all had “dream jobs.” Ones that we’ve kept for years, which tend to be on the unrealistic side like a fairy princess chemist… or just a… Continue Reading →

(A short assignment where we practiced our first interviews) As I mentioned in my “Vibrant Videos” post: “If there’s anything in the world I adore more than a freshly baked cookie… it’s film.” …And documentaries definitely fall under that category. … Continue Reading →

(The Exhibition Poster that Ariane, Sabrina, and I created) In case you didn’t know, PLP also has seasonal exhibitions where we can showcase our work with the Seycove community, including our parents and teachers.  (I recommend that you check out… Continue Reading →

It’s officially only a couple days left until summer, and I can’t wait to sleep more! However, I still have to present one final reflection of the learning I’ve experienced this year… or rather my tPol (transitional presentation of learning)…. Continue Reading →

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