Category Humanities

Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. Schindler’s List In 1993, Steven Spielberg released a movie… But it was not just any movie. It was one of the movies. An incredible piece of cinema that stood out in a… Continue Reading →

Driving Question “How has fear been used as a political, defensive, and cultural tool to shape our society?” What is fear?  Is it an emotion? A feeling? Or is it a tool? A secret power for you (and others) to… Continue Reading →

(Hmm… This animation looks familiar…) Driving Question “How do we convince young people that they should vote?” I was never one for politics.  Actually, that’s a lie. Yes, I’m into historical politics… I love reading everything from King Henry and… Continue Reading →

Driving Question “How can we use a formal debate to convince an audience we’re right?” What does it mean to be a superhero?  A cape. A mask. A secret identity.  …Or is it more than that?  I thought I knew… Continue Reading →

Driving Question “How did the development of the atomic bomb change the world?” What is the most important event in human history? To think of it, how could one possibly decide? Was it the discovery of fire? The invention of… Continue Reading →

So, you’ve made it to grade 8. Congratulations! Driving Question “How can we use the power of written text to inspire the new PLP 8 learners?” Writing. Words. MMMMmmMMMmmmMmM.  Do I like the idea of writing? Yes. Absolutely. So, do… Continue Reading →

Driving Question ”How can art and text reflect both the history and our current place in time?” Art is many things. Something you can touch, something you can see, something you can hear. But can it be more than that?… Continue Reading →

Driving Question “Why is it so important to preserve the Juno Beach Centre?” What is “historical significance?”  Well, Wikipedia says it’s a “historiographical key concept that explores and seeks to explain the selection of particular social and cultural past events… Continue Reading →

Driving Question “How has William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet remained relevant to contemporary storytelling?” “In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…” “O Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?” “For never was a story of more woe, Than this of… Continue Reading →

Driving Question How can we keep apologies for past wrongs alive so they are remembered – and not repeated – today? What makes an acceptable apology? Well, I always like to start with a definition.  Google says an apology is…… Continue Reading →

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