Oh no. Here we go again! School has been different this year. I don’t have scimatics anymore, and instead, I have to take “regular classes” like math and science (no iPads here!) It’s been quite hectic getting used to grade… Continue Reading →
(The Exhibition Poster that Ariane, Sabrina, and I created) In case you didn’t know, PLP also has seasonal exhibitions where we can showcase our work with the Seycove community, including our parents and teachers. (I recommend that you check out… Continue Reading →
Ah, comic books. I’ll admit, I’m guilty of binging these. I’ve even waited years for sequels (I’ve been faithfully following along with “Amulet” since Grade 2…) Whether it be Garfield, random webcomics, or Batman… …Ever since i was little, I’ve… Continue Reading →
While I was writing this blog post, I was listening to Spotify. However, I stopped writing for a second and was hit by a sudden realization. I actually paid attention to the lyrics for once, but then horror struck. “I…… Continue Reading →
Seeing Grey Click to read this book, made with Book Creator https://read.bookcreator.com I will start this blog post with an excerpt from my new favourite poem: “Sssnnnwhuffffll? Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl Hnfl hfl?” – The Loch Ness Monster’s Song by Edwin Morgan. … Continue Reading →
(Mr. Harris in a fancy HOT PINK Marie Antoinette wig.) What makes a revolution effective? How can we determine the effectiveness of a revolution? What is the anatomy of a revolution? Why do revolutions happen? Do all revolutions follow the… Continue Reading →
Are people more impacted by the environment or is the environment more impacted by people? What are our most imperative environmental issues? What can we do to prevent climate change? Are we protectors or destroyers? Hello there again, and… Continue Reading →
It was a lovely morning. The sun was shining brightly outside her window as she picked up her iPad to write. Her left hand held a delightful scone while her free fingers hovered above the keyboard to type. The Inception… Continue Reading →
Hello there everyone, and welcome to another blog post. Today, I’m going to talk to y’all about one of our latest projects, “ARGH MATEY!” Through this project we learned about many things, including “The Age of Exploration” and “Cause and… Continue Reading →
Hello there guys, and welcome to another blog post! Today, I’m going to be reflecting on my journey through “re-learning” about having a growth mindset. This won’t be too long (hopefully)… Over the past couple of weeks, my class has… Continue Reading →
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