Reach for the STARS



Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. Schindler’s List In 1993, Steven Spielberg released a movie… But it was not just any movie. It was one of the movies. An incredible piece of cinema that stood out in a… Continue Reading →

(Hmm… This animation looks familiar…) Driving Question “How do we convince young people that they should vote?” I was never one for politics.  Actually, that’s a lie. Yes, I’m into historical politics… I love reading everything from King Henry and… Continue Reading →

Driving Question “How can we use a formal debate to convince an audience we’re right?” What does it mean to be a superhero?  A cape. A mask. A secret identity.  …Or is it more than that?  I thought I knew… Continue Reading →

(A short assignment where we practiced our first interviews) As I mentioned in my “Vibrant Videos” post: “If there’s anything in the world I adore more than a freshly baked cookie… it’s film.” …And documentaries definitely fall under that category. … Continue Reading →

Did I consider myself savvy in the technological department? Was I destined to become an electrical engineer? Can I connect two wires without blowing up a building? No.  Hello there everyone and welcome to another blog post! Today I’ll be reflecting… Continue Reading →

Hello there inhabitants of the planet Earth! I’m proud to present to you… the third blog post I’ve written this week. Please keep your hands, arms, and lightsabers inside the vehicle at all times, because WE’RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE! It’s mPOLs… Continue Reading →

Seeing Grey Click to read this book, made with Book Creator I will start this blog post with an excerpt from my new favourite poem: “Sssnnnwhuffffll? Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl Hnfl hfl?” – The Loch Ness Monster’s Song by Edwin Morgan. … Continue Reading →

Do you ever feel that time passes far too quickly?. Because… last I checked, it was September. Today, it’s my second last day of Grade 8, and I’m rushing to complete my final blog post of the year (while listening… Continue Reading →

Before this project, I thought I liked math. After this project…  I mean, I still like math, but this project was one tough cookie 🍪 🍪 🍪 Anyways… did you know that a cuboid was a thing? Apparently it is… Continue Reading →

It was a lovely morning. The sun was shining brightly outside her window as she picked up her iPad to write. Her left hand held a delightful scone while her free fingers hovered above the keyboard to type. The Inception… Continue Reading →

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