Reach for the STARS



It’s officially only a couple days left until summer, and I can’t wait to sleep more! However, I still have to present one final reflection of the learning I’ve experienced this year… or rather my tPol (transitional presentation of learning)…. Continue Reading →

Ah yes, “Life’s Greatest Miracle.” At first glance, I’d guess that this “miracle” would be ice cream, cheesecake, or even a warm cookie by the fireplace. Practically anything food related.  BUT NO- It’s babies… which is acceptable, because they are… Continue Reading →

Have you ever tried to “speed-run” a blog post? Yeah, me neither, but I guess there’s always time for a first. This week has been hectic (I got sick and practically stared at my ceiling for 3 days. Let’s just… Continue Reading →

While I was writing this blog post, I was listening to Spotify. However, I stopped writing for a second and was hit by a sudden realization. I actually paid attention to the lyrics for once, but then horror struck.  “I…… Continue Reading →

“We travel. Not to escape life, but for life to not escape us.”  ~ the first (anonymous) quote that pops up when I google “quotes about travel”  Hello there internet stalkers! If you didn’t know already, one of the most… Continue Reading →

Hello there inhabitants of the planet Earth! I’m proud to present to you… the third blog post I’ve written this week. Please keep your hands, arms, and lightsabers inside the vehicle at all times, because WE’RE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE! It’s mPOLs… Continue Reading →

Seeing Grey Click to read this book, made with Book Creator I will start this blog post with an excerpt from my new favourite poem: “Sssnnnwhuffffll? Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl Hnfl hfl?” – The Loch Ness Monster’s Song by Edwin Morgan. … Continue Reading →

  Are you a neutral atom? Because I think I’m the ✨electron✨ for you 💕😉😘🥺 Hahaha. Get it? No? Really? ANYWAYS… Hello there, and welcome to another blog post! We’ve just finished our latest Scimatics project, and I can’t wait… Continue Reading →

(Mr. Harris in a fancy HOT PINK Marie Antoinette wig.) What makes a revolution effective? How can we determine the effectiveness of a revolution? What is the anatomy of a revolution? Why do revolutions happen? Do all revolutions follow the… Continue Reading →

Hello there everyone, and welcome to another blog post! Despite being sick for the past week, it’s been a busy couple of days trying to catch up and revive myself from the dead. However, I feel way better now, and… Continue Reading →

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