TWIL: Marriage Scene

In the Elizabethan times to be married you had to have your parents consent. Although, in the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet, neither of the two had their parents permission to be married. In the original play I believe that Shakespeare chose to leave the wedding scene out of the play because at the time the law was against what Romeo and Juliet were doing.

imageThe play has been re made several times into movies. As a director, they got to choose wether or not to include the marriage scene in the movie. In a more recent remake of the play directed by Baz Luhrmann, he decided to include the wedding scene in the movie. I think that in the way he showed the scene it helped the viewers to fully understand how a wedding form the time was presented. Although there was some loss from showing the scene.

By showing the wedding scene in the movie, I believe that there is some loss of the real play because the original play did not have the wedding scene in it because at the time being married without a parent’s permission was not right. In my opinion it would have been better to leave out the wedding scene because then it would be just like the original play.

imageIf I were to be the director of Romeo and Juliet, I would choose to leave out the wedding scene because you know that the two are getting married and you already know that it has to be a secret. In my opinion the scene just takes up space in the movies and isn’t necessary. I believe that the since the scene was not in the original play, then it should stay out of any remakes of it.

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