Overall This Year

Overall this year I believe I have definitely improved a lot in many areas. For example I feel more confident with public speaking, my writing, movie making, and work habits. My blue sky project was a very big and important individual project that I recently completed. I have compared it to the frankenstuffie project we did at the beginning of the year. I have I ,proved a lot when it comes to creating an iMovie. For example the frankenstuffie video wasn’t the best and I was still I learning how to use iMovie.

Now that I know more about iMovie I found it easier to create videos such as my blue sky project short video I created.

Also I feel like I am a little better at coming up with ideas for projects. At the beginning of the year I had a lot of difficulties producing creative and innovative ideas, where as now I find it much easier. Also I believe they are a lot better now then they were at the beginning of the year.

Some aspects of my work have gotten better and better as the year progressed. I am becoming proud of more and more of my work now. A project that we recently completed was the metaphor machine project where we creating a working machine full of metaphors, a iMovie showing our progress and working machine, and a blueprint. This was a group project and I feel that I worked well in this group. Building has always been a weakness of mine. I am not the best when it comes to hands on work, so to be able to create a functioning machine with the help of my group members I felt very accomplished and proud of this project. Also I believe they the iMovie I created with a few of the other group members is definitely one of the best movies I have created this year so far.

As you probably all know by now, public speaking has always been a weak point of mine. I get nervous and shaky and tend to not be the best I can be. But when I presented my ethical debate I felt confident and prepared. I am definitely most proud of the debate we showed to the class. It was a real turning point in public speaking for me.

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