The Challenge of Synthesis Essays

Essays are a main focus for us in class right now since we are taking an English exam this year which includes essays in it. I enjoy writing a lot, but when it comes to writing an essay, I would really rather not do it.

In the past I have written several different types of essays, expository, persuasive, and now synthesis. This one was definitely the most challenging. I have always found it difficult to connect two things, especially books that honestly, I wasn’t that interested in. Although that wasn’t even the challenging part. Finding quotes that fit in nicely with my topics was extremely difficult for me. If I had the choice I wouldn’t ever write a synthesis essay again. Unfortunately that’s not an option for me. Also creating the outline for the essay was something that I struggled with. Mostly because I have a hard time creating new ideas.


There was really no specific part of the essay I found to be noticeably easy. Although coming up with descriptive things to say once I have my outline done is simple to me.

I definitely want to be able to improve on finding quotes that flow well with the essay, as well as the proper way to use quotes. I kept having to look back on the hand out we received on how to use quotes.

I am proud that I completed the essay properly and on time. Usually with writing I am too hard on myself and always think that I need to go back and fix something else, which is a huge factor into why I don’t hand things like these in on time usually.

Overall I learned a lot about how to integrate quotes into my essay without having them just kind of stand out and look funny. Also I learned a lot about the Chinese immigrations to Canada from the two books I read to write this essay. Challenging things will block my path, but I learned that if I overcome them and complete them p, I end up feeling a lot better about myself.