Grade 10 is Over?

It doesn’t seem real that grade 10 is already over. Everything just flew by. I feel like just yesterday I was getting ready to go on the Victoria trip we took in October. This year has been my favourite school year by far for many reasons and I’m sad to see it come to an end. On the other hand I am very excited to see what next year will bring me.

Having the privilege to be in the PLP program for the second year in a row really opened up my mind to a new way of thinking. This year we learned a new concept to me called growth mindset. It really helped me to better understand a new way of thinking and to grow as a learner. Also we continued on using the term growth mindset throughout the year whenever people were thinking that they couldn’t do something. This surprisingly did help me to push myself beyond the point of wanting to give up and made it easier to keep going and finishing my work.image

The trips we went on this year helped me to become closer to my fellow classmates as well as further my learning on the topics we were studying in class. For example on the Seattle trip we went on in September I learned a lot more about the idea of being a maker and how I can create ideas that can turn into magnificent projects. Then when we went on the Victoria trip I learned a lot about the Gold Rush from visiting the Royal BC Museum.image

I feel like I have learned a lot this year in many different aspects. Not just by absorbing new facts and information, but learning about different styles to present my products and I can’t forget about the many ways I learned how to show my learning.

Procrastination has definitely been something that happened a lot this year with me. I honestly think I procrastinated almost every project we did this year which only made things more challenging for me. Although as we got closer to the end of the year I really felt more pressure and put my head down and got all my work completed. I know after this year that I need to fix this by creating a schedule and finding a place without distractions to get all my work done. Next year will not be the same because I don’t think I would be able to handle another year of waiting until the last minute.image

Over the year I feel I have come a long way in how comfortable I am with speaking up and presenting. This was made possible by the major support I got from my teachers and from all of my classmates and friends. Doing presentations is no longer a worry for me and I haven’t felt nervous for a presentation since my last SLC. I am quite proud of myself for overcoming almost completely my nervousness for presenting.

Overall this year was a great year. I got closer and more comfortable with my class mates, I developed my movie making skills, my writing skills, and especially my presenting skills. I also learned how to manage my time a bit better then last year, although we all know that still needs a lot of work to fix completely.

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