SLC #17839

I’m sure by now you all know what an SLC is, but if you are new here and have absolutely no idea what I am talking about then I will explain. An SLC stands for student led conference or in other words it is a small presentation where we as students show some other blog posts about our learning and growth throughout the year and present it to our parents and teachers. It gives us an opportunity to praise ourselves on work we our most proud of and reflect on what we could have improved on.

Personally these presentations are not my favourite thing in the world, but they are doable and aren’t that much of a hassle and honestly a really good thing to do to end the year. As well as it gives me a chance to improve my presentation skills some more. I remember when I did my first SLC ever in grade 9 I was shaking in my boots from fear. Now that I am on my fourth SLC coming up to present is a breeze.

Now below are my three blog posts that I will be presenting for my SLC. The first something I am most proud of from this final term. The second, a piece of work that needed improvement. Finally a blog post about a review of the year, which in my opinion was the most fun to write out of the three.

1. Most Proud of: LBS Civil Rights

2.Needed Improvement: Blue Sky Design

3. Review of the Year

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