A Note For PE

MIn today’s society mental illness is becoming much more common in the younger generations. It is a growing epidemic and the adults of this world are not doing much to help these people, let alone accept the fact that mental illness is a serious issue.

Recently in my English class we learned a little about satirical content. We were assigned a task to create a visual representation of a problem that we were passionate about in a satirical format. Right away the issue of dealing with a mental illness in high school came to my mind as I have seen conflict with this happen in my own school.

I chose to create a video highlighting the point that just because you can’t physically see something wrong with a person doesn’t mean they’re not hurt. In a PE class you are allowed to sit out if you claim you are hurting, regardless of the fact that you have a note with you or not. If a student with a mental illness, such as anxiety came up to the teacher and explained to them why they could not participate they would still be forced to as there is physically nothing wrong with them and they look capable of participating in PE. This can lead to further problems and create a possible fear of coming to that class if you know that you are going to be forced into participating.

As mental illnesses, for example anxiety, become more and more common, people are starting to accept and reach out to help those who are affected by it. However there are still some people out there who just do not understand and are not willing to understand that the brain has the most power of you and your body, therefor mental illnesses can greatly effect your day to day life, stopping you from participating in some things.

Really gets you thinking…