The Pieces of My Life

Recently we just finished up learning about the six different lenses to analyze and look at historical events. We used this information to dive deeper into any historical event of our choice and combine all our information in a blog post. Now we are tasked to use these lenses on events from our own life. I never really considered my life events to be historical, but they all did have a very important impact on me and who I am today.

This photo essay below that I created explains four events from my life that I believe are some of the most significant. All the information I used to explain the events is a mix of memories and stories and conversations I have had with people who were there. For the most part I tried to use solely my memories. However, that was quite a challenge considering one of the events I described was my birth, and I really don’t remember anything at all from that.

Each event I chose to describe were all historically significant in creating the person I am today. They were major events that helped to grow my interests, greatest qualities, and outlook on life and experiences. A good section of the descriptions of the memories are my interpretation on what I remember happening as they were all so long ago and parts are hard to remember. The photos are the evidence that helped to piece together the stories that came along with them. Of course my life has changed since I was born. The person I am today has been shaped by the many events. Although many things have changed, the events have only helped to grow who I am as they have all be helpful life experiences. My perspective on all of these may not contain the full amount of information, but they have made me believe that without these events happening, I would not be who I am today.

I decided to sit down with my mom to discuss… (podcast to come)

I used pages as the app to put together the photo essay

I used the app super impose, for the first time ever, to create the puzzle piece images. It was a struggle and took some playing around with the app to figure out how to use it.

Overall, choosing only four events from my life was a little difficult as I believe everything that happens is important in shaping a person. These four events were some that stuck out to me most though. Without these who knows if things would have changed or if I would have been the same person I am today.

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