A Fiery Character

1984 is a dystopian novel based in the year 1984. The world is in a state of perpetual war and Big Brother sees and controls all. The main character is Winston Churchill, a member of the outer party and propaganda-writer at the ministry of truth. He falls in love with a character named Julia, a strong willed, rebellious woman. 

In class we were tasked with choosing a character and creating an outline figure of them filled with images that symbolize who they are. Our group chose the only woman in the story, Julia. She is a powerful woman with many strong characteristics. We wrote a poem in class listing her characteristics and who she is as person, the way she lives.

Pragmatic, sexual, survivor, accepting
Daughter of the party
Lover of Winston, living simply, men
Who feels rebellious, the party can not be beaten, a secret hatred towards the party
Who needs to live in the moment, to have someone to love, to be free from the party
Who fears being caught by the party, the thought police, room 101
Who gives Winston something to live for, the party fake devotion, someone to trust
Who would like to see the removal of tele-screens, the over throw of big brother, herself in a dress
Resident of Oceania
Mrs should be Smith

I will explain why we chose each symbol to represent Julia. At the bottom of her feet are the symbols for men. We chose these as her character is known to sleep around with many men, “Hundreds of times – well, scores of times”(108), and leave them the next day. Though she is apart of the “Junior Anti-Sex league.” She plays with the men’s emotions and walks all over them, hence why they are at her feet. We drew a red sash across her waste to distinguish that she is a part of this league, and it also represents how she uses the ribbon to disguise that she secretly has a lot of sex. woman that work as apart of “Big Brother” are supposed to be “pure.” Julia’s first intimate interaction took place when “…she was sixteen, with a Party member”(113), and she continued to secretly go behind the party’s back in order to make herself happy and enjoy life.

There is a road map with destination points travelling up her leg. This symbolizes how she changed throughout the novel. At the beginning she was one thing and near the end she had developed into a new person.

Attached to her belt is a open lock. Julia is a very disloyal character as she is constantly looking out for herself alone. The lock symbolizes this as it shows that her trust and loyalty are not locked down, they are open and free to her choosing.

The glasses hanging out of her pocket belong to Winston. Despite her being known to walk over men she did love Winston deep down. The glasses are located in her pocket because she tries to hide her love since she is a very independent woman. Her heart we chose to do as our animation. It was a necessary part of the project. Julia is a very strong hearted woman who craves someone to love. The flames symbolize her pure strength and her powerful heart. She is a fiery woman full of passion.

A fox face sits to the side of her heart. She is a very sly person which is why the fox is the perfect symbol to represent that characteristic of hers. A fox is the definition of a sly animal. Hanging off of her hand is a mask. Since Julia is openly with Big Brother and supports them, yet she is a major part of the rebellion a mask symbolizes her two sides. The clever thing was to break the rules and stay alive all the same,”(113).

Finally, at the top of her head where her brain would be are birds. Birds are a symbol of freedom and Julia craves to be free. She wants to be free from the party, free from her life, free from the world she lives in. She staged in the book, “You wanted a good time…”(113) and that “the Party, wanted to stop you having it”(113).

Overall, this project was very helpful to help us create a deeper understanding of one character from the book. Analyzing Julia’s character helped to enhance the story and ideas that she brought with her.


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