All About Me

The Full Users Guide to Brianna Teegen

Introduction to the Product 1.0
Product Name: Brianna Teegen
Model: 3.8
Congratioulations on purchasing the Brianna Teegen. WARNING: This product comes with a few bugs.


I like to get all my work done right away because then I won’t have to worry or stress about it. I find it easier to work when there is lots of support given by my teacheres and class mates. Having expectations laid out for the certain project helps me to know what I need to work up to. I prefer to work in smaller groups or by myself because I find that if I am with a bigger group it is difficult to get everybody on the same page.


In my life I am many things. A daughter, grandaughter, sister, sportsmate, and student. My parents are always there to help me with an problems I have. They support me with my school work and help me if I am ever having troubles with my homework or projects. When I am not sure about something they will encourge me to do my best. My younger sister and I get along with each other most of the time unless we are fighting over something small that in the end wasn’t worth fighting for. She respects when I need peace and quiet for my school work. Whenever she needs help with some work and neither of my parent are home she will come to me for help. On my sports teams I am always encoureging my teammates to do their best as well as congratulating them when they accomlpish something, whether it is a goal or a good pass. As a student I feel as if I have a good relationship with my classmates and teachers.


There are lots of possitive and negative warnings about how I work. I like to get my work done right away so I won’t have to stress about it later on. Once I get a good start to my work I can get all of it done very quick and it isn’t hard for me to think about what to do for my work. I will always try my hardest at any work I am given.

Negative Effects

I feel like I have more negative warnings then positive warnings. For starters I tend to procastinate a lot of my work, even though I prefer to get my work done right away. If I am not interested in what I am working on I tend to not do as well as I would when I am enjoying my work. I am distracted very easily and find it hard to start my work, but once I am started I can tune everything out and only focus on my work. When there is no clear timeline or outline I tend to over work myself to make sure that I have done everything right. I getu overwhelmed when I am given a lot of work at once and tend to put it off.

Positive Effects

For me to not overwork or stress myself out about work, it helps to be given a clear outline of the work given as well as a clear timeline for me to know when I should work so I won’t overwork myself. It helps if I am given my workload in smaller proportions to lower the stress level. To resolve my procrastination I could set a time for myself to work for a certain amount of time and then take a small break, then continue working some more. Being distracted very easily is one of my dissivangents to working with me, I think that if I work in a quiet area with not much around me it would be harder for me to be distracted.


I really like to work on projects that make mee think outide of the box. Being creative really helps me stay focused and engaged in what we are learning. When I am able to choose the focus for my own projects it keeps me inspired to keep perserving with the work. I can’t wait to begin.

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