Everything Came Together

During the process of creating our machine, we had quite a few bumps along the way. Things fell apart, other parts didn’t work, and most importantly our machine was probably the ugliest machine out of all the groups. But our group worked hard together to make sure that our machine functioned properly, and so people could actually look at it without their eyes bleeding.

Creating the blueprint was one of the easier parts. Most other groups adapted their blueprint to their machine. We adapted our machine to our blueprint. It may to have been the smartest thing to do in the amount of time we and, but everything worked out well.

Our movie came out better then we all expected. Although we still don’t have the best ending to it. Everyone worked really well together to make sure we had plenty of footage for the movie by filming almost every step we did in the process of creating our machine.

Finally the building of our machine was probably the most challenging. It started out pretty difficult because we honestly didn’t really know where to start. Everyone in our group helped a ton with the building of our machine, even if it wasn’t their job. I felt like I was almost more of an engineer then a story teller with the amount of help I put into building the machine.

Overall I believe our machine turned out pretty well. It functions properly, we have a completed blueprint and movie, and of course it is no longer an ugly machine. Which I think we can all say is a good thing. I’m happy with the outcome of our machine, although I feel like if our group had managed our time better, our machine could have been even better.

Final Outcome

After all the hard work we put into making this project, our group has finally come out with a working machine. It may not look the prettiest, but it functions properly. This past week our group work hard to complete this. We had a few bumps along the road.

Our final drafts of the blueprints are completed. We had to adjust some things when it came to placements of some parts of the machines. When we were placing the final pieces on, we had to move some things around and change some measurements so that our machine could function smoothly and properly.

Although our machine does not look the prettiest, it works well. If I could change anything about it, it would be how it looks. Our group is looking towards making this machine look presentable now that it works properly. IMG_1521

This week I believe I contributed a fair amount. I created the clay people and put the iMovie together with a some help from Kirby. Creating the iMovie was harder then I expected it to be. We had plenty of clips from the beginning of of our building process, but not many for the end of the machine.

I believe that our group worked hard on this project and came out with a successfully working machine, although it may not be the prettiest in the group.