Overall Portfolio Reflection


Throughout all of term one I was content on trying my hardest for all of my work and putting in that extra effort to make everything well done. This was more challenging then I thought it would be. With the extra activities outside of school that I was doing, it took my focus off of my school work. There for I did not put my full effort into my most of my work. My study habits were also not the best for term one. I know that for term two I need to schedule everything so that I know when and where I am able to do my work, as well as putting my full effort into all of my work.

Everybody has there own strengths when it comes to learning wether they know them or not. For me, I feel like I am a strong writer. When I put all my effort into writing a story, essay, or other writing piece, I can really do well and succeed. Challenges come with everything in life, much like my ability to learn comes with some challenges of its own. I find it challenging to fix my work to make it better when I don’t get any feedback. Also if I don’t not understand something the first time, I find it challenging to keep my focus and try to understand what I am being taught.

My academic performance can always be taken to the next level. There is always something that could be done better. I can accomplish this by creating a better study habit for myself so that I am able to get all of my work completed and handed in on time. Also I can make the extra effort to go and ask for help right away when I don’t understand something, rather then leaving it to the last minute.

When I am in a small group I find it easy to talk and input my ideas, but when there is a lot of people, I get shy and tend to keep my ideas to myself. During group work or projects one of my strengths is to make sure everyone is on task as well as inputing my ideas right away. Although when there is a large group of people, like in front of the class, I find it challenging to get my ideas out there because my shyness takes over and prevents me from speaking up. I believe that this can possibly be fixed over time with lots of practice speaking in front of large groups.

This year alone I already feel like I have grown in the classroom as a young adult. I feel this year I have taken on the responsibility of making sure I get my work done without anyone reminding or hassling me. This has been a challenge, but I feel as if I have grown from this learning experience. Without a few challenges here and there, I don’t think I would learn and develop as much as I have now. At the time the challenges may be tough and make you want to give up, much like I went through, they really helped to shape who I am today.