Blue Sky Final

After lots of hard work, I finally completed my blue sky project. It took lots of hard work, revision, and brainstorming for my project to be fully finished. I creaimageted a short movie, a business pitch form, and put it all together on a poster board. Also I made some pretty delicious cupcakes, but unfortunately they didn’t make it to the exhibition. imageimage

On the night of the exhibition, I had my final project up and ready to present. I feel that I did well when it came to thinking up answers to some of the questions people were asking me on the spot. Although I had a few business people come by and ask me some pretty challenging questions that I just didn’t have the answers to. For next years exhibition I plan to be more prepared in advance to answer some challenging questions so I never leave a person wondering more.

When it came to time management, I was good during the first few days of the project, but then I got a little behind in it. Managing my time is definitely something I need to work on. Overall I believe that I put slot of effort into this project to make sure my final outcome was great. I am planning next years project to be even better.


Creation of Cupcakes

My blue sky project is coming along well. Over the past week I have collected all of my data from a survey I did about what kind of cupcakes people like, I have interviewed business owners on how they started there business and the obstacles they had to pass to be where they are now. Also I have created a short video of making and tasting cupcakes in the style of a cooking contest.

I made this video because when people are first opening up a food business, they need others to test the food first to see if it is any good. This video shows myself and a few others doing exactly that. I created it in the style of a cooking contest.

While I was making the cupcakes and the movie, I had to change a few things along the way. My outcome was not what my original plan was. Since my time and resources were limited for this part, I had to adapt a few things to make it work. It didn’t help that I didn’t get the filming and baking finished until 12:00 Friday night.

My goal is to complete my project by the end of this week and have it done well. At the pace I am going I should have everything completed.

Creating a Small Business

In class we are starting a project called the Blue Sky Project. Each person had to choose a big idea and driving question to research for our project, then we have to create something for our final product to show what we have learned. The options for what we could inquire for this project were endless.image

The process of finding the perfect idea for this project took some time. I had to do a lot of brainstorming to come up with this final idea. Also I had to go through some bad ideas first before I finally came up with my idea. For this project I have to decided to see how you could create a sustainable business. My driving questions for this project are, Is Deep Cove a good market to create a new business for selling cupcakes? How do I create a business using Deep Cove as a market place?

After finding my final idea, I created a timeline to help me know when I need to get each piece of work done. This timeline lists all of the steps I need to take in order to complete this project successfully.image

I will be getting people to take surveys on what kind of cupcakes they like. This will give me an idea of what products to out into this business. Also I will be finding aspects of Deep Cove that would make it a good place to sustain a business like this. Next I will be creating a business pitch to create of business like this. And finally tying it all together in a commercial for advertisement.

The process I will need to go through to create a final outcome and answer to my driving question will be challenging and will take a lot of effort, but I believe that the outcome will be successful.