Hacksaw Ridge; A Response

I was drawn to the movie, Hacksaw Ridge, because it focused on the strength and integrity of one man who was determined to stick to his beliefs at the same time as supporting his country. Hacksaw Ridge also intrigued me because it left nothing to the imagination. War was not glorified in this depiction of the bloody battle. The movie portrayed the reality and horrors of war quite graphically. Although the first hour of the movie was slow and drawn out, I realized how necessary the story build up was in order to truly appreciate the incredible act of bravery that Desmond Doss showed. He not only saved 75 wounded soldiers that night, he modelled and taught the men to follow what true dedication to ones own convictions can accomplish.

Often World War Two movies glorify the act of war where as this movie glorified the act of individuals who volunteered to give their life to their country. It showed that most men who volunteered were although wanting to fight for their country, were terrified and unprepared for what the battlefield could bring. Desmond Doss believed that he was destined to save lives rather than take lives. This was an unusual and unique situation for someone going to war at this time. The movie Hacksaw Ridge opens the viewers eyes to a different perspective of a soldiers journey on the battlefield.

Throughout this unit we have been working on baseline assignmsnts to better our learning and understanding off the topic. Below are the assignments I have completed.

This is an assignment called 321. On the left side of the column we wrote 3 thoughts we had about World War Two before we learned about it in depth. Then 2 questions we had. And finally, a metaphor about World War Two. On the right side of the collum we didn’t the same thing, although it was after we learned about the topic. At the bottom is a connection, or a bridge, between our two thoughts from before and after learning about the topic in depth.


Ome of our tasks was to take notes for 5 different lectures. We had to transform these notes

A Horrifying Project

Does anybody remember last year when we created a movie using the story of Macbeth in a World War II setting? Well that project wasn’t exactly the classes best work. But don’t worry, we got another shot to redeem ourselves. This time the task was to create a horror movie with the whole class, similar to last time. You would think we would fix our problems this time and ace this project now that it’s our second time.

We began by applying for roles so that we would have jobs that suited our strengths best in hopes it would make us work better as a team. Some of the roles assigned were definitely not suited for the right people as we later found out during the movie process. I was assigned the role of makeup and costume as I assumed I would be considering basically nobody else in the class enjoys or can do any makeup or costumes. I was quite excited considering it was a horror movie which meant some extravagant makeup and I could experiment with some new gory looks. Unfortunately when seeing the script I was quite disappointed as there was absolutely no makeup needed besides fake blood which wouldn’t even be used as makeup. The costumes as well were extremely simple since they were modern day high school students, so for the most part everyone dressed in there own clothes with a few exceptions of some accessories that helped so build the characters.

I was frustrated with this as my job had become not needed so I stood my ground and for once in my life expressed my frustration and how I disagreed with it. My words were heard and luckily for me the teachers agreed with me as they wanted to see more gore in the movie as it was a murder filled horror movie. Some adjustments to the script were made, although the script writers and directors were not too happy about it.

I had spent hours watching tutorials, practicing the makeup and brainstorming ideas of how I could execute the extremely difficult makeup looks. The end product was very disappointing as the colours on one of the looks, a face burn did not show well on camera as well as the blood had dried before filming so the look of it was not as it was when I first completed it. The second gory makeup I did was a sliced head, although this one was difficult because I had been told to do a bashed in head from being bashed on the corner of the sink. The directors changed that during filming and had the actor get her head slammed against the door. I had nothing for that kind of injury and found it difficult to create a bloody enough look as that kind of wound is not very gory or deep. It ended up looking fine on film as we poured a lot of fake blood on the wound right before filming.

Speaking of the fake blood, I made two Tupperware’s full of it. It took some time to create as getting the right consistency and colour was challenging. Most fake blood recipes make only a small amount and doubling or tripling the recipe does not work well. In the end the blood looked pretty disgusting, (in a good way). The second batch was much better as I tried a different recipe for it. Although time consuming and a little annoying, this was the easiest task of my job. 

Although going into this project we expected it to go much smoother than last time, we still ended up falling back into our same problem sands mistakes as the last movie. I because frustrated as my time was being wasted once again by spending my time outside of school sitting around waiting for hours while everyone on set fought about how the shot would look. This started to get slightly better a few days before the deadline. However, if we had respected our roles from the start then that wouldn’t have been a problem.

Doing a project as a class is a risky idea. For our class in particular it’s dangerous. We are a group of headstrong people with great ideas. Everyone wanted it to be the way they thought it should be and this caused conflict, arguments, and time being wasted. Much like last year during Macbeth. People find it hard to just let go and let the ones in charge sort things out and make the final decisions as not everyone always agreed.


The end product was about the same quality if not worse than our Macbeth movie last year. Due to a shorter time frame, angrier people, and a higher expectation we basically failed this project. The reactions from our teachers were shockingly angry and disappointed and made us feel absolutely awful. Although I agree the movie was not up to the standard that it could have been, I felt that the reaction from our teachers did not help the situation or help us to improve. Instead it just made me feel frustrated and upset after I felt that I had done as much as I could to support a dysfunctional group that wouldn’t listen.


Macbeth Movie Progress

“Fair is foul and foul is fair,” (Macbeth). This famous quote from the Shakespeare play, Macbeth, means things that look pretty (“fair”) will become ugly (“foul”) and things that are ugly will become beautiful, which describes exactly how this Macbeth movie project is going.

Our class is currently working on a collaborative project where we have to use the play of Macbeth and create a movie using that storyline but in a different setting. Since we were most recently learning about World War II, that is the setting where our movie will take place. The whole class is working together on this one movie, which when you think about it sounds like it’s going to be a disaster. Currently it is a disaster, but it didn’t start out that way.

When we first began the project everybody was bouncing ideas off of each other and for the most part everyone was really excited to get going. We were all given roles and were then set off to begin. The script writing went well and so did preparing the costumes and props. However, as soon as the filming started things started to go down hill. Since everyone in our class has very different personalities and ways of working we found it challenging to get anything done in a short amount of time. There was always one person who wouldn’t like the way we filmed a scene or wouldn’t like how the actors presented themselves so we would have to re do it and try another way. In reality we probably shouldn’t have listened because if only one person was complaining about how they didn’t like it, then oh well, you can’t please everyone. Especially not when there are 25 of you working on one project.

The filming process has involved a lot of out of school time, which I know for myself and a lot of people is challenging to do considering we all have a lot of extra curricular activities and homework from other challenging classes. We never had one day where everyone showed up and I don’t think we will have one day like that. However we have managed to work through these bumps slowly, (and with a lot of fighting). Currently our project has been reduced and we have plans to continue filming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday all day. Here’s to hoping everything goes well and nobody else gets into any more fights!

On a better note, my job on this movie is costumes and makeup. I was in charge of designing all of the costumes to make sure they fit the roll of soldiers from WWII. Also I have had to do makeup for the actors. I transformed three people into dead civilians/ghosts. And what I find the most fun to do and what I have done most of is create fake gashes and cuts on people. Of course I didn’t do all of it alone. Maria was a big help and I’d say we both worked equally on making sure all of our actors looked beaten up enough.

The Macbeth movie project is still a work in progress and I will post again once the product has been completed. Hopefully that will be in the next week if we stay on top of all our work and filming days.

Blue Sky Final

After lots of hard work, I finally completed my blue sky project. It took lots of hard work, revision, and brainstorming for my project to be fully finished. I creaimageted a short movie, a business pitch form, and put it all together on a poster board. Also I made some pretty delicious cupcakes, but unfortunately they didn’t make it to the exhibition. imageimage

On the night of the exhibition, I had my final project up and ready to present. I feel that I did well when it came to thinking up answers to some of the questions people were asking me on the spot. Although I had a few business people come by and ask me some pretty challenging questions that I just didn’t have the answers to. For next years exhibition I plan to be more prepared in advance to answer some challenging questions so I never leave a person wondering more.

When it came to time management, I was good during the first few days of the project, but then I got a little behind in it. Managing my time is definitely something I need to work on. Overall I believe that I put slot of effort into this project to make sure my final outcome was great. I am planning next years project to be even better.
