Top five haunted places in the world


Hello again, this is the second part to my paranormal activity project. My last post was the introduction to my topic and in this blog post I will be talking about the most haunted places according to the information I’ve found. A warning before you read any further, there will be light talk of murder, war, and scary events if you aren’t prepared to read that please don’t continue. Now lets get into it!





5, The Amityville House

Location: 112 Ocean Avenue Amityville N.Y.

This chilling tale starts with a murder, a family murder. On the sad day November 14, 1974 Ronald DeFeo jr, went on a rampage and shot all six of his family members killing them in their sleep. He was just twenty three years old when he brutally murdered his parents (Ronald DeFeo sr, age 43 and Louise DeFeo age 43), his two brothers (Marc age 12 and John age 9), and his two sisters (Dawn age 18 and Allison age 13). Then little over a year after the incident (13 months) a new family moved in. Kathy and George Lutz and their four children were aware of the past events when they agreed to see the upscale property. The 4,000 square foot house, including waterfront access, a boathouse, heated swimming pool, and a garage, left the family in awe and they soon happily bought the property. But quickly the happy family felt the wrath of the house. Strange things started happening even after they brought in a priest to bless the house. Even though the priest said he heard a scream coming from the house yelling “get out!” The family continued to live there. They claimed that they heard banging noises and unknown footsteps, smelt odd odours, saw toilet water turning black and eyes looking in through the windows, they even claimed to see green jello like liquid leaking from walls. Also sometimes the family members woke up levitating in their bed. The disturbing home seemed to have a effect on the innocent family. George started to get sick and losing weight while Kathy started experiencing horrible nightmares. During the distress of their parents the four kids started getting in huge fights. George also claimed that he started to wake up every night at exactly 3:15 am which is when Ronald Defeo jr committed the murders. After 28 days of living in the Amityville the Lutz family moved from the horrifying house. They claimed to come back but they never did.




4, The Queen Mary 

Location: 1126 Queens Hwy Long Beach, CA USA

The Queen Mary, a British luxury cruise ship and war ship nicknamed ‘Grey Ghost’ was purchased by the city of Long Beach in 1967. It was then turned into a hotel and a tourist attraction. But they halted the rebuilding of the ship for several years during the Great Depression. People started seeing apparitions around the new hotel and it started getting more and more popular with ghost followers once it was built. A meal and a guided walk around the ship’s paranormal hot spots could run up to $109. Many people saw a sailor, a ‘lady in white’ and many children spirits running around the ship. People have claimed to hear laughter coming from the hall ways, and lights turning on and off by themselves. There has been over 150 ghost reports in the Queen Mary and multiple of them have similarities. Many have stated they have seen a man in dark clothing with a long beard standing in doorways. Some say it is the ghost of a fireman that was crushed underneath a watertight door during a routine fire-drill when the boat was still sailing.

3, The White House 

Location: 2033 Comox St Vancouver BC

The White House, with its multiple names like ‘The Presidents Palace’ ‘President’s House’ and the “Executive Mansion” President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901. But people have started claiming this huge mansion that holds these politically important people also holds their spirits. With approximately 6,000 visitors a day there has been lots of talk about the past presidents or people that used to work in the White House returning after their death. Inside the 6 different levels with 132 rooms, 32 bathrooms, 412 doors, 7 staircases, and 3 elevators, people have claimed to see Abigail Adams doing laundry and Abe Lincoln roaming around his old living quarters. But most of all people have seen Dolley Madison’s spirit in the rose garden making sure its kept well. Some say the ghosts have stayed because of their close ties to the American power seat and linger around past their death.





2, Edinburgh Castle 

Location: Castlehill Edinburgh Scotland

Edinburgh Castle has been standing for over 900 years in Scotland. Since its construction in the 12th as a military fortress it has witnessed many disturbances like surprise attacks and executions. Along with the fighting above there is a prison dungeon below the castle. Also during the Black Plague in approximately 500 AD they kept the infected victims in their prison but then left them to die. With countless deaths and now reincarnated as a tourist attraction many people are certain the castle is haunted. The Edinburgh Castle has haunted tourist attractions currently and as some of their biggest attractions they have the ghost of Duke Alexander Stewart of Albany. Duke escaped the prison by stabbing the guards to death then proceeded to burn their bodies. Along with Duke’s spirit roaming the halls theres also Lady Janet Douglas of Glamis. She was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake by the castle. People have claimed to see them wondering the castle. 51% of the people who entered the castle claimed to come in contact with the paranormal. They claimed to see shadowy figures, sudden drops in temperature, and the feeling of someone tugging on their clothing. In 2001 the Edinburgh Castle became one of the largest paranormal investigations in history. A team of nine researchers and over 200 other members of the public explored the castles most haunted areas.





1, Gettysburg Battlefield 

Location: 1195 Baltimore Pike Pennsylvania

This story starts on the chilly day June 9, 1863. The battle of Gettysburg which started like most wars do. Two armies the Confederates and the Union fighting for territory. It lasted for three days and was one of the most bloodiest wars in American history killing more then 50,000 soldiers. The Union army (the north) ended up winning but in the end they ended up with 3,155 dead, 14,529 wounded, and 5,365 missing. No more then a month after the war people started reporting sighting of ghostly apparitions appearing in the field. With so many violent deaths many people believe the site is haunted by fallen soldiers unable to accept their fate. These restless spirits are said to wander the Gettysburg field, searching for their weapons and comrades. But they are unaware that the battle is over. The battle field is now a tourist attraction for tourists brave enough to adventure through it.





Thank you for reading I hope you learned something new and found these stories very interesting. What was your favourite story? Mine was the Queen Mary ship because I find boats creepy, being trapped in a place with ghosts. Alright that will be the end of this blog post, see you next time in ‘Believe it or Not pt 3’ good bye for now