Nation X, the foundations of a nation in the 18th century (Blog #26)
November 16, 2022 | Leave a Comment
A run down of the project:
In this project we got to run though a revolution simulation about how life would look like in the 18th century. In this simulation we got different positions that decided our duties and positions in the nation. We tried to make this simulator the most accurate by having a ‘Mr Universe’ (aka Mr Harris) who you had to go through before doing any major things. There was four main positions:
Group A: The peasants (the poor lower class people)
Group B: The store keepers (these people ran the nations store, they had a little more rights and money then the peasants but still low class)
Group C: The law (they got more money and had much more ruling in the nation, they worked in the jail and had weapons)
Group D: The royals (this group included the king, this group could decide any decision they liked and owned the most money)
I was luckily apart of group D, there was already a king (Luca) so I was a declared a high ranking clergy. My job to help make decisions for the king and our nation.
What did we learn during this project?
This simulator was supposed to teach us how things worked in the 18th century. We learned how unfair it was based on what class you were put into and how hard it was to do things. Since I was in group D and not group A its hard for me to talk about how hard things were for the peasants but by how much control I had over them I could tell. We also learned how quickly disasters could happen. We had many disastrous things happen, like a disease that spread through the nation, our store ran out of product, and people who left us and joined nation Y to fight us. Many people died from war and disease in our nation. One last thing we learned was how to make vital decisions! Group A had to decide how to spend the little money they had and how to bargain with other groups, many groups had to decide if they wanted to use their money for the store, and group D had to make many major decisions for the nation. One of the decisions the king and I decided on was to rename the nation ‘Nation King Cool’.
How was my personal experience in Nation X?
Everyday we would start the day by getting a envelope for each group. The envelope contained our days pay (mine was 10$ which was pretty good), a rumour card that we opened at the end of the day (it read what the other groups were talking about ex. Group A and B plan to overthrow the king, Group D has hidden medication they haven’t told anyone else about ect). It also had a news paper inside! I will add what the news papers looked like at the end of this blog. I am happy with the pay I received, even though the king had double what I had the peasants were only paid a dollar. I was payed enough money to buy some things at the store (candy) and still have lots of money left over. Many groups didn’t like our group because we had so much power. I tried to help out other groups in need and I even gave them some cures for the disease and some chairs. I believe this helped with their opinions on me because in the end I was the only person in group D that was left alive after the war. As a group D member I could do basically anything I wanted. I had the most freedom out of all the groups and life was pretty easy, but even though I had it so easy I still had a job. I didn’t have to write hundreds of words or run a store but I did have to read the notes we were given and make decisions on them. I decided to let everyone in our nation have the power to vote, but if necessary group D had final say in it.
How it all ended
In the end most of our nation was sadly killed. Bodies started stacking up in the morgue due to disease and famine, then suddenly nation Y (which had expanded because people have been leaving our nation to join theirs) declared war. My royal guard was killed right in front of me so I rushed back to the palace. There we were attacked by the jail guards who have had enough but we managed to fight them off. Then I saw nation Y starting to kill many of my people, my group tried to fight them off but Caden and Luca were killed in the process. I ended up killing two of nation Y’s people and I survived. As I looked around walking back to my town there were bodies scattered everywhere. This was how our nation was destroyed.
I ended up having lots of fun this project, I have to say its been one of my favourite projects this year. Learning about the foundations of a nation in this century was very interesting to me and running though it in a situation was also very fun.
Some extras:
Here is what our news papers looked like that we received daily:
Here is a picture of my royal guard Dylan and I, taken by Sydney one of the peasants during the war:
Here is a picture of the money we received in our daily envelope:
Here is a photo of our royal guard Dylan:
Here is a photo of Group D!
Starting on the right is me, Luca, then Caden
Thank you for reading about my experience in Nation X, I had fun living in the 18th century for a few days. See you next blog!