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My first science project (Blog #24)

Since science being a PLP class and not Scimatics this is technically my very first science project. I was very excited for this project and it even exceeded my expectations. I love the science teacher and the projects are extremely interesting. I can’t wait till the next project we do!

But now I will get into what we did and what I learned from it.

First of all here is our driving question:

“In what ways have human beings impacted the delicate cycles within our local ecosystems and how can we lessen our impact”

This project focused on peoples impacts in our ecosystems. We learned about certain ecosystems by taking notes off slides like these:

From those we learnt what nutrition cycles are, how we negatively effect the cycles, the earths spheres, and how we interact with them. I had a lot of fun taking these notes because I was actually interested in the topic.

We also got the opportunity to make educational videos! Ill put links below of the videos we made:

1. Sea Urchin News Report 

2.Biomagnification Gif


Then it was finally time to make the main final project! 

I was not excited to create this project because I heard we had to make it on Scratch, but when I asked to be able to make it somewhere else I was given permission! After that I started to get very excited. I knew exactly what I was going to do and how I would do it, but I didn’t plan how long it would take to do. I ended up finishing and handing this project in very very late, but I did get it in eventually.

I first made up a plan in pages on what I needed to do:

Slowly as I finished each animal I marked it as done with a ✅

The criteria for this project was to make a interactive food web displaying over 10 animals and using arrows to show how they interact with each other.

I drew each animal on the app Sketch’s pro then put it together on Keynote. I also gave links to every animal on Keynote that will bring you to a different slide talking more about the animals in the Food web. It took a long time to draw the animal, make a entire page for them, then put in the links on them, over and over and over. Even though it took forever!!!! I did finally finish it, here is the finished product:

Presentation 68


What you see when you press the link isn’t exactly what it looks like and it doesn’t have the links but it shows the main idea. I like how it turned out and even though it took a long time, I am happy with it.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading about my science struggles, but in all honesty I did have a lot of fun this sector and I am excited for the next science project

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