Believe it or Not [pt 1] (Blog #8)
January 11, 2022 | Leave a Comment
(Warning: a lot of opinions. But if you believe anything else I respect that and no ones opinions are wrong. I will be talking about religion and spirituality but what ever my beliefs are is not always other peoples beliefs. I’m not saying all my opinions are the truth this is just what I think. I don’t want my project to start any fights, only respectful conversations.)
My Favourite Kind of Project
We have started my favourite kind of project. The kind of project that I have been wanting to do for years, and have pleaded for all my teachers to do. We have finally begun a ‘choose your own topic to learn about’ project. We get to pick out anything we are interested in and anything we are passionate about and do the whole project on that one thing. Now anything is a very broad term, so choosing a topic was hard but I finally came to a decision. At first I was going to choose a interesting type of rare animal, or maybe something about music, but I wanted to choose something that people could talk about. I wanted to choose something controversial that everyone would have different opinions on. But along with being controversial it had to be interesting to me and something I’d like to research. So I made a decision on a topic that ticked all those boxes.
I chose the topic Paranormal activity. People have lots of names for it like: The Supernatural, Ghosts, The Spirit World, Superstition, The After Life, and many more. For the rest of this project I will be talking about all aspects of the Paranormal world. I will talk about Ghost Urban Legends, evidence of it’s existence but also evidence of it not being real, and much more we will see along the way.
Personally I am a realist and I don’t usually believe things that I can’t see or have proof of. For example I am atheist because I haven’t grown up believing in god but also I haven’t had any proof. I don’t see myself as someone who is religious so I am not looking for god, but I respect anyone who does. What I have seen before with my own eyes are ghosts. I will get into my own story’s later on in another blog post. I’m not sure yet the extent of my belief on paranormal activity but I do know people fake a lot of videos about them. What I will be talking about in my next couple of posts for this project is facts and story’s but I won’t take a stand on if I believe it or not, that is for you to decide yourself.
Please feel free to comment your own beliefs as I would be very interested in reading what you guys think.
Thank you for reading, that was the first of many posts about my topic for this project. Hopefully you will learn something along the way or at least have fun. Again these are just my beliefs and your beliefs are completely as valid as my own. Have a great day, and I’ll see you in my next post. Good bye for now.