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Believe it or Not [pt 4] (Blog #12)

My own experiences with the paranormal world

In the very start I chose this topic not only because I find the super natural world interesting but because I have mixed opinions about it myself. I do believe spirits are real because I have seen them before but theres a lot to it I don’t believe or understand yet. In this post I will talk about what I have seen to show my own reasons for believing in the paranormal. I don’t have any proof so you will just have to believe me, or not its your choice. But I’m interested in any of your stories or opinions on ghosts, feel free to comment it on this post. Now lets get into my own experiences.


The only place I’ve seen paranormal activity is in my old apartment I have lived in twice. The apartment was built in 1987 which is 25 years ago today. Across the street was a large memorial that was made for all the past patients at the hospital near by. They found multiple bodies buried under the psychiatric hospital once it was taken down and they decided to make them all a memorial. I was just three months old the first time so I don’t remember anything but I moved back when I was six years old. The address of the old apartment building is 385 Ginger Drive New Westminster. The building looks like this:



One weird thing I remember quite well is when I just got home with my mom and my dog Sparky.

Here is some photos of him:

We got home and parked the car in the underground parking area. My mom had sparky on a leash and was waiting for me at the elevators while I was getting out of the car. While I got out of the car I looked over and I saw Sparky running through all the cars. He looked a little translucent and his back legs seemed to flicker in and out of existence. I only saw him for a few seconds but I remember him looking odd and I was very confused. After I ran over to my mom and asked if she let Sparky off the leash. She said she didn’t and I explained how I saw him running but he looked weird. There was no other dogs in the parkade and what I saw was unexplainable. I remember that day very well and even though I was quite young I remember how confused I was.



Another experience I would soon see almost everyday was in the apartment. I would be sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV and out of the corner of my eye I could see something moving. So I would look over towards my kitchen and see a shadowy figure come out of it.

At first It creeped me out but I would see different sides or shapes of these figures all week. They never did anything so I let them be. They weren’t just shadows on the wall they were fast moving dark figures. Almost every time I watched TV some kind of figure would walk out of the kitchen and towards the closets. In my mind I imagined they were all just people who used to live here just looking around.



Once my mom was sitting in the living room and she looked over and saw something strange. She saw a older man and woman walk out of her room and into the bathroom. “They looked like they weren’t all there” said my mom telling me what she saw. The apparitions she saw were wearing older clothes from the 1900’s. The woman was behind the man as they shuffled out of her room.



When my mom and I lived in that apartment we didn’t tell each other what we saw. I thought she wouldn’t believe me and she thought that she would scare me. So we didn’t tell each other what we experienced till I brought it up a couple years later and my mom said she saw things too. We both were surprised to hear each other’s stories yet glad that it wasn’t just us who saw it.


These things I’ve seen explains why I believe in ghosts. What else could it have been that we both saw? I am not scared of the paranormal and I except their existence. Hopefully I get to bump into more interesting things soon. Thank you for reading, good bye for now. 👻

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