Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Hello! And welcome to my learning journey. Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. Today I’ll take you down my learning path, we will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. We are exactly half way through the year and at the end of the semester. I have had a lot of fun […]

My own experiences with the paranormal world In the very start I chose this topic not only because I find the super natural world interesting but because I have mixed opinions about it myself. I do believe spirits are real because I have seen them before but theres a lot to it I don’t believe […]

In this project we have been learning about ourselves. We’ve been discovering things we didn’t know about ourselves and finding out better ways to learn. We talked about where we wanted to be in the future. We were able to answer lots of questions that we barely knew the answer to. Its been a discovery […]

My Memoji (Blog #2)

October 6, 2021 | 1 Comment

This is the Memoji i made, hopefully it looks like me.  

Hey guys, welcome to my very cool awesome interesting blog. Here are some random facts about me because i don’t know what to post.  Birthday: February 13th  zodiac sign: Aquarius  favourite colour: dark blue/black  Age: 13  pronouns: she/her  pets: 3 rats, 3 dogs, 3 birds, and a couple fish  Hobbies: writing, soccer, bingeing Netflix  Nick names: […]

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