Hello! And welcome back to another one of my blog posts. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these; this is my first blog that I’ve written in grade nine! Today I’ll be talking about the geography of the West. Our driving question for this project is ‘How the geography of the West shaped who we are?’ We had an entire nine day trip all the way to Alberta. The trip was insanely fun but also quite chaotic (but that’s as to be expected). We did a lot of fun activities but there were also lots of learning opportunities. We learned lots about the history of Canada and how that has impacted us now. You won’t see as much writing in this book as usual because it’s mostly in the E-book below.

Now, how has the geography of the west actually shaped us? I created this book to show you my answer to this question:

It took a long time to create my E-book and I had to do a lot of revisions. I hope you learned something new about Western Canada from what you read in my book. 

We also had a mini-exhibition to show off our books to the parents.  

I usually really don’t like exhibitions, but this one wasn’t to bad. It was fun and not very stressful to set up our room and we didn’t have a lot of people in our group, which makes it easier. It was easy to explain and show my book to the parents and I always had an answer to their questions. It went by very fast and before I knew it we were done. Afterwards we watched videos made by other groups of the fun things we did on the trip, they were very fun and I loved watching them. We also got cake! So cake makes the whole thing worth it. 🎂 🍰 🧁 


I will talk about the work we have done in this project and what I’ve learned but then at the end I’ll share some of the fun things we did and some videos/pictures.

To start this project we learned about the actual geography of Canada and its history. To do this we read about old Canada then answered some questions about it. The substitute teacher was very nice and helped me with this by explaining the questions to me individually.

At first I really struggled with this because geography is a very hard subject for me. I barely understood where any places they talked about were and It was quite hard to answer the questions they gave us. Luckily I had a good teacher who helped explain the questions to me 1 on 1 and I finally finished it.

After that we learned about the five themes of geography:

(Regions, Movement, Location, Place, and Human Environment Interaction)

You can learn more about each through looking at page 9 of my E-book.

After we learned about each theme we focused on how the themes were displayed in certain places in the West. Along the way we took pictures to add to our book but to also use in our ‘Five Themes of Geography Comic’. We made a comic explaining each theme with a picture and two words. Here is my comic:

I did almost as many revisions on this comic then I did on the book, there was always something I should change or a way to make it better. Then I ended up with that product, and I am quite happy with it.


But now I will show you all the fun things we did!  

Click here to see zip lining video

I had so much fun on this trip and I will never forget it. I made so many memories with my friends, I am so glad I got the opportunity to go. Along with having fun I also learned a lot. I learned about how certain geological aspects of the West can effect us so greatly. For example of how the West effects us is its diversity, like I had mentioned before. Growing up in such a accepting area has made us feel more comfortable about who we are and less scared to use our voices. I think being able to say something without being judged is a very important thing, and I wouldn’t be able to get that in some places.

Thank you so much for reading, I’ll be back soon for the next project reflection post!


Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner. 

Why do I believe I am ready to advance to my next grade level, grade 9? 



September 29, 2021 Blog

May 18, 2022 Blog



Start of the year:



What changed?


Technology knowledge

The first major change that all my peers probably experienced as well was getting to know our way around the ipad. At the start of the PLP year we got new ipads and new apps to learn how to use. I have never owned a ipad before and so I had a lot to get used to. I learned that ipads are very similar to phones they just looked slightly different. Then once I learned how to use a ipad it was time to learn how to use all the new apps we have. The first few projects I had a lot of trouble doing because the apps confused me. Farther into the year I started to finally understand what apps to use for what projects and how to use them. Gaining more knowledge on the devices used to create the projects really helped me and I started getting better marks.


Along with learning how to use the new technology I have I also learned a few more things. I learned how to work in groups and how to do homework better. Before I was in PLP I struggled with those two things and now I feel more confident in them. I’ve always proffered working by myself in projects and I still do but I’ve learned the benefits of working with people and I don’t mind doing it. Not only can you separate out the work between multiple different people, but you can also get information off your group members if you don’t understand something. I found that very helpful. Homework was also never easy for me. The thing is in PLP there is a lot of homework, so I had to learn better work habits. I’m still having trouble with handing work in on time but I am getting better. PLP has helped me with homework by giving me a lot of time in class to do it and a lot of extensions when necessary. Even though I have became better with handing in homework theres still a lot I could do better because I don’t always get it in on time.


One last thing that has changed is my opinions and mindset. In the start of the year I always really dreaded the next project that was going to happen. I hated being in groups and I hated doing homework. I hated the topics we did and constantly wished I could be doing other things. Now that negative mindset has changed a lot. I still don’t love school but I’ve tried to find the positives about it. I started to enjoy and be excited for some of the projects (like the Geek out Blog posts, working with words, and Tectonic Chances). Once I started thinking more about what I like in school and not what I dislike it became more fun for me. With the mindset of school = bad actually doing the work and starting it was very hard.



On the topic of positive mindsets I’ll now talk about my favourite project and why it is my favourite.

First of all my most favourite project that I put the most effort into compared to other projects is the Geek Out Blog Posts.

Post 1

Post 2

Post 3

Post 4

For this project we got to choose our own topic then write about it. I love writing but I usually don’t like writing about a topic that is chosen for me. Since I got to choose my own thing I was very excited and had a lot of fun doing it. All we had to do was choose a topic then write some blog posts about them. I put a lot of thought into my topic when I chose it, I wanted it to be interesting, controversial, and complex (interesting so I won’t get bored and other people will want to read it. Controversial so people could debate on it. Then Complex because I could write a lot about it). The final decision I made was to choose the topic ‘Paranormal Activity’ which to me seems like it ticks all the boxes for Interesting, Controversial, and Complex. Writing these blog posts was very very fun and I hope we can do something like this again.


But on the contrary here’s a project I struggled with: The Ultimate Design Challenge


In this project I struggled a lot because math is not very easy for me. I didn’t understand at all what we were supposed to do and I couldn’t grasp the concept of how to do the project till the very end. But I did end up getting it done, all we had to do was construct a object using the app TinkerCad then calculate the surface area and Volume then present it to the class. After a long painful work period I finally finished it and got a pretty good mark I am happy with. In the end I did actually learn a lot from this project and I feel more confident for when I do math next time.



In the end I do truly believe I am ready to go onto grade nine. I have grown as a learner and have learned more about myself along the way.

Thank you for reading


(Here’s some extra photos of all the new people I have met)



Hello! Welcome to another blog post written by yours truly. In this post I will be talking about The Ultimate Design Challenge!



In this project we used the app Tinkercad

Before this project I have never used or even heard of Tinkercad. Now after the project (even though I am still quite confused with most parts of the app and don’t know how to do a lot) I have learned how to create something and measure items.



For this project we had to create something in Tinkercad then measure the entire thing to find the overall volume and surface area. After we make all the calculations, then we make it into a slide show and present what we made and what calculations we did to find the final answers. I had a hard time understanding what we had to do and it took my a long time to start the project. Eventually after I played around with the app I started to understand how to use it. Once I asked some friends then I understood what I had to do. With this new found knowledge on how and what I had to do the project I finally started it! At first I was going to make a ipad but quickly realized that was to simple of a item but also sort of difficult to create. So I decided to make a dinner table instead. We had to use at least ten shapes for our creation and I again changed my game plan. I was going to make a more fancy looking table with interesting sidings and feet. But half way through I realized it would be easier to just put things on and under the table instead of adding more to the actual shape of the table. I created a large red rug/carpet under the table and two plates with a cup (and a coaster underneath the cup) on top of the table. Even though it was quite tricky getting the shapes together I managed to get the table complete in a few days. You’re probably wondering what it looks like now, so I will show you:



Finally after I finished making the table it was time to measure it. I was completely dreading this part and had no idea how I would do it. But when it came time I finally actually tried. I did all the calculations in LAC (learning assistant class) with the help of a few different teachers. At first when they were helping me and explaining the formulas I had no idea what they were talking about and I could not grasp what they were trying to teach me. But eventually after lots and lots of white board math… lots and lots…


I started to understand the math I was doing. I started to try some on my own and I eventually knew what to do. I started to know what step came next and I knew how to explain what I was doing. But even though I started to understand I was still behind because I was sick for a few days. I had to catch up on the math and then present it in front of the entire class. I quickly rushed to make a slid show on Keynote and add the final touches to my calculations.

Minutes after I finished the project I was up and presenting it to the entire class.

The presentation went alright and I am very glad it is over. Half way through presenting I panicked and forgot how to explain my calculations and I didn’t have any time to practice what I was going to present. I ended up speeding through each slide and not completely explaining everything but It could of gone worse. Next time I am going to start the project and just go for it even if I don’t understand it.



I will now talk about the core competencies!

Applying and Innovating:

I think I could of started the project earlier but I think I still did pretty good even though I was sick for a week. I got a lot of help in LAC and managed to get it done when I had to present. I learned a lot through this project and I understand math a lot more now. I also learned how to use a new app Tinkercad!

Reasoning and Analyzing: 

In my project I made it with over ten shapes like we were supposed to and I tried my best to make it accurately measured. I asked for a lot of help and with out it I probably would not of managed to even start this project. But I think in the end it worked out well.

Communicating and Representing: 

I did all the calculations correctly and maybe I even did more then I had to but I had a little bit of a hard time showing it. Making the slides was hard because I didn’t know exactly what I should of added to it and presenting it to the class was scary. But I did end up with some kind of presentation and hopefully people liked it.



In conclusion to this post I think I did pretty well but I could of done a few things better. To be honest I did not understand the driving question till the end of the project so I did not follow it well but I still came up generally with what we were supposed to do. Also in my measurements and calculations I used the measurements mm (millimetre) so that means my dinner table is very small. It is now a table for a doll house. So yes my project was pretty chaotic but I think it went alright.

Thank you for reading, see you next time!

Hello and welcome back to another one of my blogs. Today I’ll be talking about my recent Scmatics project ‘Chemistry Coding’. The start of this project I was nervous and not excited. I didn’t know much about chemistry or coding at all. Eventually at the end I started to build a understanding around it.

The first project we did to show our understanding of everything was on my favourite app ‘MindNode’! After the whole project we added to this exact oneAs you can see I have learned some new things. I love MindNode because you can connect random ideas in a orderly fashion and it looks good. In this MindNode you can see what I have learned and how my thoughts have expanded.


Gemstone ID challenge

A experiment we did in this project which I found very fun was the gemstone ID challenge. We learned how to identify gem stones just by dropping them in some water. The gemstones take up a certain amount of space in the water and once you get the weight and density you can use a chart to calculate what kind of gemstone it is. Hannah and I got into partners then got the supplies we needed. We then filled up the tube and measured it. Then weighted the rock and put it in and measured the water again. Once we got all the calculations we did the math and found out the type of stone it was. Here is the Lab write up we made for it:


After a few YouTube videos and many textbook pages we finally started the main and final part of the project. It was time to code!

We made a account on scratch and everyone started to make an idea for their game. Here is my programming plan:

The aim for this project was to make a game or simulator on Scratch that involved the kinetic molecular theory or the atomic theory. You had to code the game/simulator with the coding site Scratch.

My plan was to make a game where you have to get from one side of the atom to the other (through a maze) but there will be electrons flying around that if you hit you are out. With a lot of help from my friends I managed to make just as I imagined.

Press HERE to see my game

It was very hard for me to start making the game because I have never used Scratch before this. I didn’t understand how it worked or what each button did.


After a lot of tutorials and playing around making random strings of code I started to build a small understanding of what each button did. I still didn’t quite understand how it worked but I understood more then I did. I then finally started to work on my game. I had a idea in my head but I had no idea how to execute it. None of the tutorials I watched helped and none of the random buttons I threw on did what I wanted. I ended up asking my friend who is really good at coding to help me. He explained to me how Scratch coding works and helped me put code together to create what I wanted. Once I understood more how to code I started finding it very interesting. Even though it can be annoying at times or confusing its still pretty cool how you can make something do exactly what you want electronically.

Once I was getting to the end of making my game I started to understand how to make new things and I tried out some different ideas. I started to realize the different controls you could combine and how the coding works. Scratch coding finally started to make sense to me.


I feel like I personally took more away from this project then I usually do other projects. We did very interesting and fun experiments like these: A51856E2-AF45-4044-AD70-42C59B702CDF B5E7193F-C3C1-4F9B-9A6D-96EC216219CE 955D5EE3-3D3B-4B8B-9D54-08C980EF30BD I loved watching these and they honestly did teach me some things. Reading the textbooks and filling them out did teach me things I will remember from this project about chemistry but also the coding aspect. Next time In school I need to be able to code something or even just for fun I now feel more experienced and I know a lot more about Scratch coding.


I found this project really fun and educational at the same time. Thank you so much for reading this and have a great day, bye!


Hello everyone and welcome back to another one of my blogs. In this post I’ll be talking about as it says in the title, the Renaissance and historical significance. First lets talk about what historical significance is?

We started this project off while we were on a field study in Loon Lake. We learned what historical significance is by filling in a N.A.M.E chart.

N – Novelty

A – Applicability

M – memory

E – Effects


This taught us about not only about the events we came up with for the examples but how to figure out something’s historical significance. Run that event or object through the N.A.M.E chart and see how historically significant it is (ex. Was it something new? Is it similar to something happening now? How has it been remembered over time? What were the effects of it?). While filling in this chart I found the category ‘memory’ very interesting. My attention was attracted to this section because I never thought about how people would remember things differently overtime. The example I used was with King Tutankhamun also known as king Tut. He died at a early age but it didn’t impact or effect many people. But then his tomb stone was found with a whole bunch of treasure inside. Suddenly he was well known because of this great discovery of his riches. Having a event or object or person being remembered differently over time is very interesting to me.


Once we came back from Loon Lake we continued the project in class. We started off with a simulation to teach us about how day to day life worked during the Renaissance. Everyone was given different roles and positions to play (I was a serf).



We all acted and used improvisational skills during this simulation that also taught us how life was back then. I found this exercise very fun and I’d love to do it again. Hopefully we get to do something similar sometime soon.


Then we started working on charts to figure out the historical significance in certain things. We got one chart that gave us things to chose from and another to fill out about that thing. The things I chose were: 

Access to libraries + educational materials

Flushable toilets

Global exploration + Cartography 

The parachute

The Mona Lisa

Martin Luther

A lot of people didn’t like doing the charts but I found them sort of fun. I am not sure if we are going to do more but I wouldn’t mind it if we did. Doing the research is very interesting and writing it down is pretty easy.


Eventually we started looking closer into older art. We did a few projects to get a general idea of what it looked like and how its different from art now. Some of the art looked very strange and others looked beautiful. I didn’t think art would change so much over time but it really did.



Finally after learning about ‘Historical significance’ ‘The Renaissance’ and ‘Historical art’ we were finally ready to move on to the main part of the whole project. The Triptych!

A Triptych is a piece of art with three different sections. Here are some examples:

Each art piece is put into three different sections that correspond with each other in different ways. We made something similar and added some of the things we researched into it.

In the middle is supposed to be contemporary time and the two other sides are what they used to be. They are each the same objects but in complete different time periods. On the top left is art, then the other side is parachutes, toilets, classrooms, and maps. It is very interesting looking at other peoples triptych to see what they came up with.


We are almost at the end of the blog! Before I end I’d like to answer the driving question: What significant developments emerged from the past and how do they impact us today? 

This is a very large question that can be answered with many different things but the first thing that I thought of was the study of human anatomy. This huge advancement in 1400s is significant in my opinion because with out we would be way worse off. Many people now days fully rely on medication or physical treatment to survive but those things wouldn’t exist if the study of human anatomy was not around. They started human anatomy exploration by doing autopsy’s and dissecting the dead. This helped them understand way more on the body and how it works. It also helped them think of many medical treatments. This would be beneficial then because they would be way healthier then the people that didn’t practice medicine. The death rates would go down rapidly over time and the normal age of death would recede.

  • L0012385 Graeco-Roman surgical instruments. Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images images@wellcome.ac.uk http://wellcomeimages.org Graeco-Roman surgical instruments; the large obstetric dilator on right is a replica. Published: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Many developments that emerged from the past impact us greatly to this day. With out all the inventions that were created and then improved over time our world would look very different to how it looks today.


Thank you for reading about my project on the Renaissance. Hopefully you learned something, bye for now!


Hello! And welcome back to another blog post by me. In this post I’ll be rating all the things we did during our Loon Lake Adventure. I will talk about each category and give it a certain number out of ten (Ten being the best thing there and zero being my least favourite thing we did). I’ve always loved school field trips especially when they are for a couple nights. We spent four days and three nights at Loon Lake Lodge in Maple Ridge, with almost all the PLP grade eights and nines.


First Ill start with the bus ride there and back

Bus ride: 6.5/10

I rate the bus ride to loon lake lodge and back a six point five out of ten because it wasn’t very very fun but it wasn’t bad. I had a few entertainment sources like a book, a ipad, and a Hannah. On the way to loon lake I talked a lot to Hannah and looked at the things outside the window. On the way back from loon lake Hannah and I watched a cooking show then I read for a little bit. Overall it was a pretty fun bus ride but nothing exceptional happened.



Next I’ll talk about the cabin I stayed in

Student centre south cabin: 8/10

I rate the cabin I stayed in a eight out of ten because it was was a nice cabin to stay in but if I had to stay in it long term I would of changed some things. The people in my room were Kai, Finn, Kira, and Gwyneth. I think we got along well and it was a nice group of people to sleep in a room with. I found the bunk bed I was in pretty comfortable and I liked sleeping there. Two things that made it very hard to sleep though was when other people made noise in the lounge but mainly how hot it was in the room. Nothing we did worked to cool it down, we tried opening the window, turning off the heater, and even used a fan but the room stayed very warm the whole time I was there.


I’ll now talk about the food we ate from the chefs

Food: 1000/10

 I rate the food we ate a thousand out of ten because I would love to have meals like those every single day. We got a good amount everyday and it all tasted really good. I liked every meal and most people around me did also. One of my favourite things we had was beef and mashed potatoes with a salad and a little cube of donut tasting stuff. I give much appreciations to the chefs, the food tasted amazing and they were very kind.


Now I’ll share my opinions on archery

Archery: 9/10

I rate archery nine out of ten because it was one of my favourite things to do. We played a game similar to dodge ball but with bow and arrows. Two teams were made (my group did grade 8s vs grade 9s) and we had our own side with a few blockages and a board with bullseyes. If you got hit by the bow you were out and the aim of the game was to hit every bullseye. Once you hit them they fell out of the board one by one. I loved archery and I’d love to do it again some time. I only wish we could do it for longer and on a dryer field.


Next I’ll share my opinions on the DI sweat box

Sweat box: 2/10

I rate the DI sweat box a two out of ten because I think we could of done something else and been a lot more productive. Yes we did get some DI things done but I feel like we didn’t need that long if all we were doing was planning and practicing our scripts. Also I think it was way to many people in one room, we could of separated everyone into two different rooms. We did end up planning out some things but what we really needed to do was build our props. Out in loon lake we couldn’t do that so I feel like we could have spent our time better doing something else. But thats just my team, the other teams might of completed a lot of work.



Heres what I think about the Loon Lake camp site itself

Campsite: 9/10

I rate the site we stayed at in Loon Lake a nine out of ten because it was a very pretty place but I didn’t like walking up the hill every time we had to eat. The eating hall was at the top of a gravel road we had to hike all the way up three times a day. Other then having to walk up and down hills to get everywhere I loved how beautiful the camp grounds were. The outside and inside of the cabins/rooms looked very cozy and wooden which matched the atmosphere. I also loved the lake and mountains you could see every morning. It was very pretty with a small layer of fog just resting on the lake and mountains.



Lastly I would like to add my Loon Lake journal which took me longer to make then I’d like to admit. I slowly filled in this book while at Loon Lake and once I got back I filled in the last parts.



Overall I had a great time at Loon Lake and hopefully I get the chance to do it again, I loved the people, the food, and the activities. Good bye for now 🙂

Hello! And welcome to my learning journey. Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. Today I’ll take you down my learning path, we will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. We are exactly half way through the year and at the end of the semester. I have had a lot of fun in PLP and I plan on doing it again next year. Before we start I’d like to add that I am a expert of my own learning and I’m responsible/accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give my honest evaluation of my progress. I would like to thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner. Now lets start!


The first stop is my blog posts from other classes: Maker, Humanities, and Scimatics


The second stop is my learning disposition, habits, and systems.

  • Productivity?
  • Focus?
  • Helpful habits?
  • Homework routine?


The third stop is my Chosen Core Competencys:


The forth stop is my favourite pieces of work I’ve done:

1. Using the app MINDNODE

2. Scimatics law of reflection lab write up

3. Geek out challenges

4. Ebook poems

5. AD reflection




MindNode examples:


Scimatics law of reflection lab write up:


Geek out challenges:

Believe it or not part 1 

Believe it or not part 2

Believe it or not part 3

Believe it or not part 4


 Ebook poems:


Brooke’s Poetry Ebook

AD reflection: 
The fifth stop is my growth:
What have I grown in so far and what can I grow in?
Compared to the start of the year to now in the middle of the year my grades have went up a lot. At the start of the year I never got any rainbows and always got clouds. I was having a lot of trouble and didn’t understand much how to use the iPads. I was constantly asking for help and really relied on my peers and teachers for help. School wasn’t fun for me and I dreaded most classes. The only kind of grades I got were:
Now after I have become more comfortable in using my ipad and more understanding on the topics my marks have went up. I am more confident on being able to understand what to do and I don’t need as much help as I used too. Compared to my old marks here are my usual marks now:
As you can see my marks have improved and I haven’t handed things in late. I am more proud of my marks now then I was at the start of the year. Hopefully my marks stay the same or get better. I like where I am now and I like my improvement.
But how can I improve more?
One of the main things I struggle with is homework, understanding it, starting it, doing it, and getting it in in time. I usually do but its very hard for me. My plan for this new semester to get homework done easier is to start it as soon as I get it. A lot of the time I wait until its critical and just rush through the work but if I start it sooner I can take my time and put more effort into it. Also if I start it sooner I can have more time to ask questions and more time to get answers. Another thing I can do to help myself with homework is to break it up into chunks through out the day. I usually do a lot for awhile everyday and it gets very tiring but if I do a little bit throughout the day I believe that will get me more motivated to do it and get me doing more. So during this new semester I plan on starting homework as soon as I get it, making a routine for myself to do it, and chunking it up into little bits through out the day.
For the very last thing I’m going to talk about today I will answer the questions:
“What is the most interesting thing you have learned so far year? What did you find most boring? What was the difference between the two experiences?”
The thing I find most interesting was doing the Geek out posts. We chose our own topic to write about and I chose paranormal activity. I have always wanted to do a project of my own topic and I finally got to. But my most boring thing is making blogs and doing reflections. I do not like making reflections on things and that is exactly the point of these blogs. Which brings us to the last question, what’s the difference between these two things? But its odd because my least favourite thing is reflections even though my favourite thing is a blog post. I think its because I’ve always done lots of reflections and I have never liked them but I have always wanted to do the chose my own topic project. I finally got to chose my own topic and I loved it. So the difference is me always dreading it vs me always wanting to do it.
Well that was the end of my post!! Thank you so much for coming and listening to my learning path progress. Hopefully you learned more about me and have a great day 🙂 good bye for now.

Hello, and welcome to another reflection blog. Today I will be talking about the work my team has done so far for DI (destination imagination). I will talk about how we have worked together and how the process has gone so far.


But first what is DI?

DI is a collaboration project and contest for millions of kids around the world. It is a global team building competition to build our social and educational skills. It was created to inspire the next generation of innovators, leaders, and creative problem solvers. Each member gets put into a group (2-7 classmates) that they will work with the entire time. The team will be presented with a challenge that they will work to create then present live at a tournament. The whole project will mainly be student lead with minimal teacher help. Along with the main project based challenge there will also be a instant challenge that participants will be unaware of until it starts. The two activities will make a combined score based off multiple things the appraisers judge. At the very end the team with the best scores will be announced during a celebration of our work.


My team members are


Each member got to decide a topic for their challenge then got put together because of the similar topic chosen. All the main topics were: Technical, Scientific, Fine Arts, Improvisational, and Engineering. I chose Scientific because It seemed to be the most interesting to me and also I don’t much like the other topics. I wasn’t sure If I should do Scientific or Technical but I decided to do what I knew more about. Now that I know what the challenge is for Scientific I’m glad I chose it I really enjoy it.


The Technical challenge we have to do is creating a story with multiple characters finding a mysterious object. The story has to incorporate at least one micro world. The mysterious object must be seen clearly from 25 feet away. Our story and creative design will be judged for originality, creativity, quality, effort, and workmanship.


Each group has different assigned managers in them. Everyone has their own role to help out the group, mine is time manager! As time manager I am in charge of making sure my team is on task and keeping up. I like this job because I get to yell at my team if they aren’t on task! Also during instant challenges it is my duty to ask the appraisers how much time we have left while working on the challenge.


My group plans on meeting up more often out of school to get things done. We have met up once out of school at Daniels house but it was just me and Keira who came. We ended up getting the whole script done and planned out what we are going to do for the background. I would say that meeting was very productive and helpful. We have planned a couple phone calls and are going to meet up even more soon.


Here are some links you can press to understand more about this project.

DI website

Team challenges

What is DI

DI experience video



In the very start of this project to understand microscopy better we made a file of links to sites to read about microscopy. I’m not sure if a lot of us read them but I thought this was a really good idea to understand it better and help our group understand also.



And this brings us to the end of this post. I am very excited to go to the tournament as long as my group gets together a good performance. Thank you for reading, and wish me luck! Have a good day, bye for now.

In this Scimatics project we have learned about the law of reflection. We started by doing a few sheets of work introducing us to different kinds of mirrors, how light works, and different forms of reflection. Then we started forming a plan for the final laser law test. We all made displays that proved the law of reflection.


But what is the law of reflection?

The law of reflection states that when a ray (light beam) reflects off a surface, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. In simple terms the ray that reflects off a surface reflects at the same angle off as it does coming onto it. As you can see in this photo below the incident ray is the one coming towards it then the reflected ray is the one that bounces off. The angle between the two are both the exact same. This law that both angles are the same is what we have learned about and made displays to prove. 



The first project we did to prove the law of reflection was with using a light box. The light box was a small box that let out a strong ray of light. We used a mirror to reflect the light off and measure the incidence ray and reflected ray. My group (Charlie, Jasper, and Andrew) all measured the angles and it came out equal.

Here is the lab write up I wrote:



After learning all about how light reflects we finally got to the last project. We had to display proof of the law of reflection. Everyone got into groups and chose a theme for their project. I wasn’t at school the first week we started this display because I had Covid 19 but as soon as I came back I tried to catch up as much as I could. While I was off I stayed in contact with my group and tried to understand what was happening. When I got back I found out the topic for my group was the ghostbusters. We displayed the classic movie in our project by adding ghosts, green splatter, and the main character Slimer. Here is some photos of what the project we created looks like:



The basic plan for this project was to wire a battery up to a laser then shine the laser off a few mirrors to get back to the start. We then prove the law of reflection by the angles we use. But to prove that you have to have a laser to start with. How do you get the laser to work with some batteries?


first step: you need these supplies: four batteries, three wires (one black two red), five resistors, and a laser.

Second step: twist all the resistors together so every wire is touching. Step three: connect all the batteries with the + and – all facing the same direction. Forth step: clamp the red and black cables to each end of the batteries.  Fifth step: clamp on both red wires to the resistors.  Then at the end it should all look like this: If everything is connected properly the laser should work now

I found this very interesting, I have never wired anything before and getting the laser to work was a very fun thing for me. Getting a p[ower source to flow through things I attached myself I found really cool.


Before we started the whole project we made a MindNode of everything we know so far then we add onto it at the end. Here is mine, the before and after:

In the start of this project we got a sheet of how we should work through out this project.

The curricular core competencies are questioning, communicating, and applying and innovating. I think my almost all my group did pretty good on these things.

My group:



and Jasper


Heres my answered version of the sheet we got:


After we got the display up the teacher added smoke so we could see our lasers better. Heres some photos on how our laser looked:


Overall I really like how it turned out and I would like to do something like this again sometime. I like the mixture of science and mathematics in this project. I also think my group worked well together. Thank you for reading 🙂 see you next time in another post

In humanities we have been working on a poetry project. We started by analyzing other peoples poems which helped teach us what types of poems there are. Then we started writing the poems and learning more terms. Once we understood the terms we got a test on them. Now finally we are putting all the different kinds of poems we wrote together in one book. We are using the app book creator to make a couple pages full of our poetry and complementary texts.

Heres the ebook full of my all 9 poems.

I had a lot of fun in this project because I already really enjoy writing. Learning about the different kinds of poems was very interesting and Im glad I learned about new types of poems, I will definitely make some in the future. Writing the poems at home was fun and It didn’t feel like work. Hopefully we get to do another project similar to this.
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