The ALT Manifesto

Sup guys and welcome to The Alt Manifesto.


Have you ever wanted to be King for a Day? Or maybe you just want to settle down for a hearty dinner full of Korn and Chop Suey! Or maybe you didn’t get any of those references and are wondering why I just said that. Well, no matter who you are I invite you to join me on this journey to understanding music-based alt subcultures like emo, goth, punk, metal, and so much more! 

So a somewhat random into to a school related blog post huh? In the last section of maker this year we were working on the famed PLP podcast project. The podcast could be on any school appropriate topic that we want, as long as it was trying to answer the driving question of;

How might I use design and content to influence others for good?

First of all how cool was it to practically be able to make our podcast about whatever we wanted? I chose to make mine regarding alternative music subcultures and their history and culture. Through this topic I believe I can influence others for good by educating people about these subcultures and how they affect people and our culture, instead of just calling anyone who wears all black “emo”.

The Prep

We started by envisioning a plan for our podcast via a collage, and coming up with podcast names and taglines. We then started to work on creating a script for a trailer for our podcasts, and looked at some other podcasts trailers on Spotify to see what type of stuff we needed to have in it. You can listen to my podcasts trailer here;

Along with our trailer we created a release schedule to help us plan out and organize how and when we would release our episodes. I originally thought I would release a single 20 min episode every week, boy was I off in thinking how achievable that would be.


We took a listen to several other podcasts on Spotify to analyze hoe they used story, tone, setting, and editing to enhance their show to make it enjoyable for listeners. Quickly building up the skills needed to plan, script, record, edit, and release podcast episodes.

Just the research for my first episode accidentally took hours because I was so interested in the topic (metal music) that I had a hard time deciding what I should include in the script. Eventually I did end up getting 2 episodes out and I think I may actually try to release more next school year just because I actually enjoyed making them. You can find my podcast here;


This project was super fun and I really enjoyed getting to show off my passion as a learner. The design process can be a bit tedious at times but I think I now have quite the hang of it. I love thinking about what my podcasts audience thinks about the show and if I am actually influencing others for good. Hopefully if you have a bit of extra time you could listen to one of my episodes and let me know in the comments what your thoughts are. Thank you so much for reading (or listening)!!!

As Always, Brooke

I’ve gone viral

Hellloooooo and welcome back to another blog post by Brooke. For this project I had to get into the mind of a professional tiktok star and create some trendy videos that I’m sure will revolutionize your view of trends in the media and Disney world. Well just kidding I don’t think my videos will revolutionize anything but I hope they are still enjoyable. I know this all may sound a little different, so lets jump into why I had to make tiktok videos for a school project.

Driving Question

How do I make effective personal design choices??????

I make effective design choices by staying organized and planning things out. And I hope the rest of this post reflects that 😁.

The Project + Trip

So before we even stepped in to beginning to make our trend videos, we did some much needed personal productivity management. This included organizing our calendars, email inboxes, and most of all, our Things app. I have always been pretty good at keeping my unread emails at 0 and keeping my things to-do’s organized and functional, so this part of the project was pretty easy for me. But it was important that we got a refresher on how to be responsible for our own tasks because we would need to be able to stay on top of our filming when we had our limited time at the Disney parks. We then started researching popular video trends and looking at how we could make our own videos for the trends. Once we decided what types of videos we wanted to do, we then storyboarded and drafted 5 videos that we planned to make during our trip to Disney World. You can find all of my research and drafting in this link to my video research craft document. Once all of this was done we set sail for Florida.

The Videos

Now unfortunately one of my videos was mainly depending on Minnie’s Beach Bash, a breakfast with some of the characters. I was planning to do a character fit check video because I would have had a bit more time to do so at the bash then at the regular character meet & greets. But unfortunately by the time the teachers made the pivot to not have us go to the beach bash breakfast, I became very sick and was not able to go to the last park day where I could have filmed a replacement fit check.

But regardless, I finished 4 videos and I am quite proud of them. Here you can follow the link to see the completed version of all 4 of my videos.

Although some of my videos did not turn out exactly like I had planned, I still think most of them are enjoyable. I think I forgot about the “Filming Borzoi Shaped Things” until it was too late to grab any more interesting footage. It was a it harder to find those shapes than I originally thought 😅.  But still I got 4 out of 5 pre-planned videos complete and I think that is pretty good.


Overall I preformed quite well in this project. I definitely could have done a better job especially at executing the final videos, but my planning was thorough and did my best to stay organized. Disney was also a blast so I think this was a pretty fun project. Anyhoo thanks for reading!

As Always, Brooke.