tPOL 2023 – Advancing

Before we start, here is the POL declaration- “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Hello and welcome to my tPOL (transitional presentation of learning). In this post I will try to answer the question “Why do I feel I am ready to advance to the next grade?”. In short, I am ready to go on to grade 11 because I have become proficient at the skills that I learned and developed in grade 10. And hopefully the rest of this presentation proves that. I have chosen one project from each class to represent me as a learner this year.

First, a quick look at my learning plan.  I did an excellent job this year at trying to reach my proficiency goals for each class, which were rainbows 🌈 across the board.

Some things that I feel I have done well at that are in my learning plan this year would be;

  1. I have been using things regularly for both school and non school related tasks and it has helped me greatly.
  2. I have been communicating with teachers more frequently when I need help or some flexibility. This was something I have never been good at but I feel like I finally made some headway on it this year.
  3. Creating authentic work that I feel represents who I am and my worldview.

Something that I want to improve more on in my grade 11 year will be handing my work in on time. To do this, I will structure my homework time more clearly and get help from my mum to keep my accountability on track.

Evidence From my Classes


Save Juno Beach!

One thing you may or may not know about me is that I have loved learning about WWII ever since elementary school. Half of the books I own are WWII related and war movies are by far my favourite genre. So imagine how excited I was to find out that we were doing a humanities project on my favourite topic in history.

Let’s pop over to my blog post that I did regarding that project – > Juno Beach

I chose to talk about this project today because it shows my passion as a learner. I have always been able to learn %200 faster when im learning about something that I am genuinely interested in, a skill that PLP suits so well because we are generally allowed to focus on specific topics that pique our interest.


My Podcast – The Alt Manifesto

First of all how cool was it to practically be able to make our podcast about whatever we wanted? Remember when I just said how I am so much more engaged when I’m learning about something I’m genuinely interested in? Well this was literally a perfect time for that passion to shine for me.

Personal Growth Planning

I’ve decided not to choose one specific “project” from PGP because I feel like they all kind of blend together into one larger picture. At the beginning of the year I was still just a fairly organized 15 yo who didn’t feel like there was any need to worry about my upcoming adult life or post-secondary plans. First we organized our physical and mental spaces, then worked on building up good long term habits with Atomic Habits by James Clear, then thought about our future careers and how to market ourselves like adults, then started asking questions like what degree am I going to get after high school? What schools might I go to? How will I financially support myself? How can I be financially literate?

Now I stand here as a 16 yo who can drive a car, has a job, and is saving for the future. I have vague plans for post-secondary that I am looking forward to exploring with my mum next year. In PGP this year I did exactly what the class entails right in it’s title, and that is why I am ready for grade 11.

Thank you so much for coming!

mPOL 2023 :)

Wazzup home slices and welcome to my mPOL 2023

Declaration of learning;

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner

How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?

Loon Lake

Loon lake was an absolute triumph for me. I laughed, I cried, I loved and lost. Lets head into the post I made about the Loon Lake learning advance so I can talk about how my goals changed the more I worked and my learnings with self-doubt and mental fortitude.

Frozen 3: Olaf Goes to Loon Lake

Summary from the post; 

As this was a Leadership-themed retreat, we did a lot of talk about leadership and how we could be the best versions of ourselves. One of my favourite activities that we did was creating a personal credo, which I think is more easily described as personal affirmations. I found it hard to get past the barrier of self-doubt when trying to list my strengths or talents. I found that reflecting on my personal values helped me see what I was actually good at and what my ideal qualities were.

I was stuck at a point on the wall that I could just not get over. But the amazing guy at the end of the rope would not let me go down. I spent around 15 minutes stuck at that one point on the wall and I felt so bad about holding up the line of people waiting to try the side I was on. He told me that he knew I could do it and that I knew what I needed to do I just had to put my mind to it. I tried SO HARD to climb up and use all my mental strength to conquer the wall, but I failed. I was exhausted both physically and mentally. But I also think I was overwhelmed because of the amount of support I was receiving from my peers. And how a man who I had only known for less than an hour had so much faith in me. So in conclusion, I was able to do a lot of learning and self-reflection during my time at Loon Lake. I hope to carry this experience with me throughout the rest of my life and take full advantage of the opportunities that this trip has opened for me.


Out of the 3 humanities projects we have done so far, I think I showcased my best work in the “Ology of Apology” project. Even though it took me quite a few revisions to get to where I wanted it to be. I really enjoyed getting to create the monument with my partners and showing it off at the exhibition was a blast. So lets hop over to that post so I can talk about how I got through the revision process and got to utilize my public speaking skills.

How to Apologize

Summary from the post;

I really enjoyed showing off my Keynote presentation and talking about our monument to all of the passers by at the exhibition. Despite being occasionally quite socially anxious, I actually really enjoy public speaking and commanding a room. So that was really nice for me to get in touch with that part of myself again. 

How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of the year?

First lets review my statement of learning intent,


I think that my statement of learning intent has been well upheld for the past semester. And I think that I will be good to stick with it in the upcoming months.












During the last semester of humanities, I played well to my strengths and I have also turned one of the things I initially wanted to have growth in into a strength, the goal of having my work sound authentically like myself. So now since my growth area looks a little empty, I have decided to add one more area where I wish for growth, timeliness. I am going to pay more attention to getting work handed in on time with no sacrifice in quality. I will do this by using my Things to keep better track of tasks and when they are due. I also want to bump up my goal for maker from an accomplished to an extending. I was basing the accomplished goal off of my grades in maker in the past instead of striving for the best for the future. I believe that I am capable of getting an extending in maker this term so lets see how that pans out.




And to achieve that plan I will use my pre-determined ideal disposition, habits, and systems to my advantage.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my mPOL for 2023. I hope next semester is going to be just as good.

As Always, Brooke.


tPOL 2022, Here We Are

Before we start, here is the POL declaration- “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Hello and welcome to my TPoL (transitional presentation of learning). In this post I will try to answer the question “Why do I feel I am ready to advance to the next grade?”. In short, I am ready to go on to grade 10 because I have become proficient at the skills that I learned in grade 9. And hopefully the rest of this presentation proves that. I have chosen one project from each class to represent my progress as a learner  this year.

First, a quick look at my learning plan. I think I did a good job at trying to reach my proficiency goals for each class. At my MPoLs I stated that due to stress I lowered my goal for maker from an extending to an accomplished. And I think that that was probably a good call because It set a realistic goal for myself to achieve.

Some things that I feel I have done well at that are in my learning plan this year would be;

  1. I have been using things regularly for both school and non school related tasks and it has helped me greatly.
  2. I have set up routines that help me focus on my homework and help me not to get discouraged.
  3. I have been asking my peers/parents/teachers more often when I need clarification on concepts that I do not understand.

Some areas that I want to have more growth in my grade 10 year would be starting homework asap so that I don’t put it off until the point where I am then rushing to get it done.

Evidence From my Classes


“A War to End All Wars” 

You can check out my blog post for this project here.

I chose this project because I found it to be the project that I had the most interest in researching. I have always been intrigued by world wars and I found it really fun to be able to research a topic that I was genuinely interested in. Because of this, I was really determined to know the battle of Monchy Le-Preux inside and out, and make my comic book a tribute to the battle. I usually have a hard time doing art in projects because I am not the most talented artist and then my self-proclaimed perfectionism gets in the way of  being able to pump out a lot of work. But in the end I am super proud of the work that I created because I know that I put a lot of hard work into it.

I think the skills that I really improved on in this project would be my researching and summarizing skills. My notes were extensive and I was able to work with a fellow researcher to understand a cohesive summary of the topic. I held a sustained interest and was very passionate in the topic I was representing.


“Time is Money”

You can check out my blog post for this project here.

I chose this project because I think it shows my perseverance and reflection skills. I have always been interested in owning my own business/practice and the type of math that we learned is super important in that line of work and just general adult life. So that was an extra push to help me get through all of the math that I didn’t understand at first. And as I was reflecting on my business in the video, I was able to see where it was not sustainable and how I could’ve improved upon it for next time. 


“Believe in Good ”

You can check out my blog post for this project here.

Believe in Good was a chance for me to expand my creativity and think critically about myself as a person. I feel as though over the course of this project, I matured as a person and learned how to be a more effective version of myself. I was able to reflect on how I maybe need to put first things first more often and think carefully about what actually needs to happen and when it needs to be done by. I think these skills will help me in being an effective grade 10 student next year.

So hopefully you can now see how I am ready to be a grade  10 student! I hope you enjoyed my TPoL and I’ll see you next year for my grades 10 MPoL’s!

As always, Brooke.