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Small But Mighty!

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Categories: Science, Tags: , , , , , , ,

Small But Mighty!


I know I haven’t posted on my blog for a while so I can’t wait to share what I did! 😙 (for all I know no one’s reading my blog and no one will see this but thats okay💀🫶) For this “small but mighty” project there were three main assignments. However, we weren’t just assigned 3 things and told to get it done, which I like. Instead, before assignments were introduced we learned some background knowledge surrounding the project or assignments as a whole. For example, getting a better understanding of germs before we dived into one of the assignments that surrounded that! This is something that I find quite helpful, and it contributes in making me succeed. the first assignment Im going to talk about surrounds the germs I mentioned earlier so let’s get started! (Before I ramble on to much)

The Three Assignments 

 1. Field Journal


I quite enjoyed making my field journal, it wasn’t my favourite though!(I’ll talk more about that later!) The first step of this assignment was to ask ourselves a scientific question about bacteria, involving a comparison between things in the school. I wondered if the water fountain on the main level of the school had more bacteria in comparison to the one upstairs, which is in a more secluded area! Throughout this assignment I learned how to conduct a well organized slide show of my progress observing the bacteria as well as learning how swab bacteria on a petri dish which is something i had never done before so it was pretty interesting!  

2. Character Cards

Now onto my FAVOURITE part!😏 

Below is the criteria for the character cards. 

This was a really fun assignment because for one, I could do lots of drawings AND make cute descriptions for them! I’ll show an example and time lapse of me drawing one as well as a picture of one of the other drawings! 🐱🧚🏼‍♀️


3. Vaccine media campaign 

Lastly, the vaccine media campaign. The goal for this assignment was, with a partner, create 3 social media posts educating the public on the reality of vaccines! (These didn’t need to be posted on a real social media account though!) Eloise and I chose the talk about the myth of vaccines, specifically the covid vaccine, giving women infertility, which isn’t true! Here are our posts about that.  

The Driving Question

How does our Knowledge of Cell Biology Contribute to Public Health?

Our knowledge of cell biology is essential for public health because it helps us understand how diseases affect our bodies at the microscopic level. This understanding enables the development of effective treatments, vaccines, and diagnostic tools. For example, by studying how viruses like COVID-19 infect cells, scientists can create vaccines to prevent the disease. In addition to this, cell biology research can lead to new technologies for detecting diseases early, improving overall health outcomes.

Conclusion & What I Learned From This Project

The “Small But Mighty” project was a fascinating journey into the world of cell biology and its importance to public health. Through the field journal, I learned hands-on lab techniques and how to analyze bacterial samples. Creating the character cards allowed me to blend creativity with science, making the learning process enjoyable. The vaccine media campaign emphasized the power of accurate information in addressing health myths. This project showed me how a solid understanding of cell biology can lead to better health outcomes. I’m excited to apply these lessons in future projects and everyday life!



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Categories: Humanities, Maker, Science, Tags: , , ,


POL Declaration

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”



“The first thing I’m going to talk about is some strategies and habits I will work on for the remainder of the school year.” 


Strategies/habits I will work on for the rest of the school year  

Mindfulness and Self-Care(self regulation)🎧

Something Iv’e noticed throughout the school year is that I’m not very good at is prioritizing my self care. When I get an assignment I try to get it done right away to get it off my plate, however I tend to overwork myself. As I work through the rest of the school year Im going to work on prioritizing my well-being by taking breaks when I need them, and engaging in activities that help me get into a healthy and comfortable mind set. Continuing to reflect on my overall health and well-being will help me maintain a balanced lifestyle and optimize my performance in school. 



Coming into tutorial more often

The second strategy I’d like to to work on is coming into tutorial more often. It’s a very helpful tool and I’d like to utilize it. By getting a head start on tasks before the day gets busy, I hope to create a focused environment for productivity. Coming in earlier could help me manage my time better, establish a positive routine. I believe this approach aligns with my goals of maximizing my potential and making the most of my education. In addition to this Im going to try and go to bed earlier so I have an easier time waking up for tutorial.


Learning Plan💪

At the beginning of the year, we got together and made plans for how we wanted to learn and grow. These plans covered a wide range of areas like taking responsibility, staying engaged, behaving well, being honest, getting ready for tasks, managing our time and actions, communicating effectively, and working as a team. Alongside these plans, we also wrote down our thoughts on what we hoped to achieve through our learning experiences.



Statement of learning intent

My learning intent is to comprehend all the information I’m being taught and be proficient or developing in my PLP classes. To do this I can actively engage in class by taking notes and asking questions. Second, I can review my notes regularly to reinforce the material. Third, I can seek additional resources like talking too other PLP students to deepen my understanding. Lastly, I can practice what l’v learned through hands-on activities or real-life applications.


Science Reflection🔬👩‍🔬

I quite enjoy science but there is one thing we learned in particular that I found very interesting. Using the microscopes has been particularly fascinating to me, revealing hidden worlds teeming with life. I loved being able to go outdoors with a container and pretty much pick up anything, seemingly lifeless, and examine it under a microscope. I also appreciate the regular breaks we take, which help me stay focused and refreshed. However, not every aspect of our coursework has been smooth sailing. The project where we created a science-based video game, for instance, proved to be quite challenging. Despite my best efforts, the website would become glitchy, which was frustrating at times. Nevertheless, I still valued the experience as it introduced me to new concepts and skills in game design and programming. It was a learning experience in itself, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and problem-solving in the face of setbacks. Beyond the occasional bumps, the collaborative learning environment has been an overall helpful learning experience, and at times I was able to help others with the video game knowledge I had learned. Overall, science class has enhanced my appreciation for the natural world. I look forward to continuing this journey of exploration, embracing both the successes and the challenges that lie ahead.

This is the link to my video game if you want to check it out:

Maker Reflection

For my maker refection I’d like to talk about my favourite project we did. This project is called “becoming a PLP learner.” Some things I really enjoyed about this project is that I was able to show my artistic side in assignment such as my me emoji. With projects like these I got better at having a good eye for what photos, shapes and colours look good together. However, something about this project that really stood out to me was how much I learned about myself. For example in Becoming a PLP learner presentation I realized how much of a nerd I can become when talking about animals, but in my defence, animals are very interesting. Overall, this project was both enjoyable and enlightening, leaving a lasting impact on my learning journey.




Humanities Refection:

This year has been quite a roller coaster! There were many ups and downs throughout this year. In particular, my humanities class stands out as a significant part of my school experience. It was a subject that not only broadened my understanding of various cultures, histories, and philosophies but also encouraged my critical thinking and creative expression. Similarly, when studying history, we didn’t focus solely on overarching narratives but also examined specific events, movements, and perspectives that played vital roles in shaping the course of history.  were encouraged to express our thoughts and ideas in meaningful ways. This not only helped to deepen our understanding of the subject matter but also fostered a sense of ownership and engagement in our learning process.

 I’ve now said quite a few good things about Humanities but that doesn’t mean it was all perfect! There were many tough and stressful days throughout the year, and at times, I thought I’d never get through it! As you can see I am here and alive right now so clearly I did. I don’t want this to sound like an advertisement but the app “things” quite literally saved my life.


This brings me into my growth I’ve made this year. In September there we’re so many apps we were introduced to and so many different functions! However I made a lot of growth learning how to operate the apps such as Things which I mentioned earlier. Apart from Things another app I found worked really well with my learning style is Showbie. This is mainly because Showbie, like many of the PLP apps is very organized.  I’m the type of person that relies on writing down what I need to get done so I can have the satisfaction of checking it off. Despite the initial challenges, I’ve successfully learned how to operate essential tools like Things and Showbie. These apps have become fundamental to my workflow, providing organization and satisfaction as I tackle tasks. Looking ahead, I’m excited to continue leveraging these tools to further enhance my productivity and achieve my goals.



“As I reflect on my growth, I’m grateful for the support and feedback received. Moving forward, I’m excited to continue leveraging these experiences to enhance my learning and achieve my goals. Thank you for your time and contributions to my growth as a learner.”


Mind Over Matter!

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Categories: Science, Tags: , , ,

Mind Over Matter



For this blog post I’ll be talking about my most recent science project, “Mind Over Matter.” I’ll be going into depth on how I built and learned how to make my video game about atoms, as well as some of the challenges I faced making it. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get started!


About the Scratch Website 

To make this video game we used this app called Scratch. The fun thing about Scratch is that you can learn and make so many new and different things! Scratch is a free website that anyone can access. Another interesting fact about this game is that people all around the world can publicly post games they’ve made and you can try them out! 






My First Impression 

If I’m being completely honest when I first tried out Scratch, I didn’t like it one bit! It was glitchy, confusing and a completely new experience. There were so many options and codes to make a video game, it was pretty overwhelming. I found ways to overcome this though! 


Learning About Scratch  

Learning about Scratch was a bit of a process, but once I got the hang of it, everything became so much easier. Since there were so many things you could make on Scratch, they couldn’t possibly create a tutorial for everything, now could they? So I had to resort to YouTube! (It is very helpful, you should try it sometime.) YouTube wasn’t my ONLY helpful source though, I could always rely on my friends, classmates and teachers, too!  



Project Criteria

Now, for this project, yes, there was obviously a criteria but it was pretty wide ranged. What I mean is that we needed to make a video game that showed our knowledge of atoms but we  could choose what we wanted to do from there! For example, a friend of mine made a game where your goal was to catch an atom. Throughout their video game, my friend demonstrated their knowledge about atoms and a few other science related topics that surrounded this project.




My Video Game Proposal + What My Video Game is About 

My Video Game Proposal

Below is the criteria for making MY video game proposal



Here is the proposal I submitted for my video game. (note that SOME things in this proposal may have changed since I made the proposal a while before I finished my video game)




My Video Game

 My game is called “Atoms Trivia” which is pretty self explanatory so you may have already guessed what it’s about.  





This single player game starts off with a character introducing the rules. In my game, you’re asked 10  yes or no questions, all relating to atoms.  

If you’re interested, this is your “teacher” in my video game. 






Your goal is to get as many points as possible by the time you’ve reached the end of the game. I tried to incorporate some humour into this game, so if you do play it and get some answers wrong, don’t be offended by the teacher’s negative responses. Something to note is that some of the questions you’re given are very easy, while others are a bit tricky.  Overall, this game is a great way to test your knowledge about atoms, and if you don’t do well the first time, you’re always able to try again!



How I Answered The Driving Question 

There were many ways I showed my knowledge of an atoms in my video game. For example, Since it was a trivia game, I demonstrated my understanding of atoms by having the correct responses when the player answered “yes” or “no.” In addition to this some of my questions were quite in depth and specific, which showed I knew what I was talking  about.  


How I Showcased My Creativity In My Scratch Game!

 I showcased my creativity in my video game in a few ways. For example, I would say I had a creative video game idea (my trivia) and I really enjoyed the answers I coded into the teacher. For example, when you got a question right sometimes she would say “awesome sauce” or “splendid”, which I found pretty funny!  



In conclusion, even though at first Scratch was challenging to learn, I used the resources available to help me along the way! My hard work paid off though because I am very happy with my video game result! If you would like to check out my game, I’ll put the link below.



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