Tag Archives: #humanities


Frankenstuffies The Rise of Change!

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Another blog post….😃 lots has happened, for example this frankenstuffy project! This Frankenstuffy project was so much fun, from making and designing a stuffy (abomination) of my choice, to creating a story and learning all about the Industrial Revolution. The final product of this project was a video about my stuffy, the time and area he lives in, and how he deals with it. However, even with all the fun aspects of sewing stuffies and whatnot, this project is based off of the Industrial Revolution, so of course we did some research!


Learning about the Industrial Revolution:

I don’t want this blog post to be a step by step of what we did, so these are in my opinion, some good key points of the research we did. 


Urbanization game

At the very start of this project we did an urbanization game. We started off with a grid background, (this is all digital of course) and for a few days straight we had 5-15 minutes to draw parts of a town. Even though this was done in groups, It was very stressful for me. The whole purpose of this exercise was to see how urbanization worked. So, if we added 50 houses, we took away some trees to account for this. My groups final product is down below! 


Note taking and collaboration with classmates

There was lots of great information I learned before creating my frankenstuffy. As a class, we watched informative videos while taking notes, or came together as a group to discuss what we learned.   




Creating my frankenstuffy

OKAY MY FAVOURITE PART!!!! I was able to use my creative, artistic wonderful, beautiful, gorgtastic skills to create none other than Peter Malarky! He is the main character of my story, with a well thought out background, history and lifestyle. He is a brave sole and I treasured the moments I had while making him.


This is a time lapse of me creating the one and ONLY Peter Malarky

For some darn reason it will only put a link in, not a video!!!   



Character resume and Storyline

Before any filming could happen Peter needed a backstory and character traits! I created a large pamphlet about Peter, and any facts you may need to know about him. Additionally, after I few drafts I finished the storyline and chose a few important sections to include for the video. There was so much I didn’t include in the final draft, so I’ll show a bit of the ideas I had. 


Final video draft/overview




The final product of my video

I’me not sure why, but for some reason, the final video was really easy for me. We had so much class time to do it and i worked a few times after school, so it got done fairly quick! The idea for creating the video was, either get a photo of your frankenstuffy and animate it in certain backgrounds, OR attach string to your stuffy and move it around in front of a provided green screen. (There’s also the option to do both which is what I did) here is my final video!







My response to the driving question 

The driving question for this project was “How can we, as writers, weave historical details into our creative storytelling to convey a clear and impactful message?”

 Weaving historical details into creative storytelling in my opinion, is about making your work still have important relevant information, while also making it an engaging story so a clear message can be conveyed. For example, You do your research, look into what life was like in the Industrial Revolution and pick out relevant facts that help your characters and plot, not just random dates or events. By mixing genuine historical information whilst still making it an engaging story, you can make your message clear and impactful. For example, characters in my video open up an apothecary shop, using this opportunity I added information about time relevant things they would sell in their shop such as valerian root and Teatree.




In conclusion, I learned a lot throughout this project, from learning about urbanization and the Industrial Revolution, to designing and bringing Peter Malarky to life. I showcased my time management skills and had loads of fun! Thanks for reading my blog and stay tuned for more.🫶


AR Story Telling

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Categories: Humanities, Tags: , , ,

AR Story Telling 


For this project we learned about storytelling and all the different and important aspects of creating one. We also learned how to operate an app called AR Makr! (I’ll just call it AR though, because it’s easier) You probably don’t know what AR is but don’t worry, I’ll explain everything in good time!

Learning  About The History

We needed to understand what we were talking about (historically) so as a class we would do readings and small assignments to show our understanding. 

We learned many things about European exploration. Technology that helped them travel, what motivated them to take such dangerous voyages, consequences of exploration and how does it still affected my world today. These were some of the things I learned during this project and it was so much fun!


Overview of What I Did






The Process

Playing Around With The AR App 

As a way to get used to AR we made a short easy story to understand how it worked! 



How to Work AR


1. The first thing you need to do is find a clean space like a floor or desk, but it can be glitchy at times. 

2. Once you’ve done that you create the drawings you want to insert into your story!

3.  After that is completed I would place my drawing where I wanted them and start filming! 

4. Lastly, you can either voice over your video after words or just talk while filming, and that about sums it up! 


My Thoughts on AR

To be blunt, I wasn’t really the biggest fan of AR. It was pretty glitchy and hard to operate but I really like the idea of it! It’s a fun way to express our creativity while giving cool visuals. 


Notes I Made

 Remember how I said we did some in class learning? Well these are some of the notes I made!




Learning About the Technology

At this point in the project we started to learn about the different tools Europeans used in general and to travel as well as the history of them. We did some drawings of a few different technologies and we wrote a bit about them. I’ll show a few below!






Something I Loved About This Project 

I really enjoyed that while we were in the learning experience of this project we hardly ever just read a website and were expected to remember everything. Instead, we were given fun templates or ways to remember what we’d learned. Like how we learned about the technology!   This also applies when we learned about the exploration and the causes and consequences of it.




Collaboration and Getting Feedback

This is something I’v done many times throughout school, not just in PLP and it’s a great way to improve your work! A few times in the project the class would get into groups and do “two stars and a wish” with whatever we were working on at that point.

What is Two Stars and a Wish?

Two stars and a wish is when you give two positive comments and one comment on what you could improve on. For example if I made a drawing my friend would say two nice things and one way I could improve.





My Final Story Draft+How it Went

Here is my final story draft, but it was no easy process. I believe I revised it three times!  Every time it was critiqued I got one step closer and had my friends and peers to help out along the way. These critiques were very helpful though, because every time I changed it, not only did it get better but I understood and learnt more about the project!





Answering The Driving Question


The Driving Question:

The driving question for this project is, “how can we use storytelling to investigate what sparked global exploration and understand its impact.

Storytelling is an amazing tool to investigate what sparked global exploration and understand its impact. To do this I used firsthand narratives, (in this case not a First Nation narrative because of cultural insensitivity) and even fictional stories set in that time period to get a deeper understanding. By analyzing the motivations, challenges, and outcomes of explorers, I could paint a vivid picture of how global exploration shaped the world. 

The One and Only AR Video!!!


Here is the video of my AR story. I really liked how it turned out, and considering that this is pretty much my first time doing something like this, I think I did well! 

AR Video: 






Truth be known, I had lots of fun with this project! I learned so much and I got to incorporate my artistic side while doing so many drawings!  Even though there were some bumps as I progressed in the project everything turned out great. I hope to do similar things in the future! (Im sure I will)


My Radical Poems

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Categories: Humanities, Uncategorized, Tags: , , ,

My Radical Poems



My Radical Poems


The driving Question

The driving question for this project is “how might I write poetry that I enjoy and show who I am?” The book above is all of the poems I learned how to put together!  

Before I continue, I’ll show some of the criteria for the “e-book” so you have a bit of an understanding about it.




Throughout the past few days we learned how to do many poems, some of which I had never even heard of! Although we did have a few setbacks, like the snow days (I’ll talk about that later) we did as much as we could in the time we had. Keep in mind, poetry was never something I liked to do in the past, it was always something that I would dread doing in school. So I wasn’t very ecstatic about this unit, although you may see my opinion change through the poems I did. I have found it interesting to read sometimes but it was never something I wanted to do myself. 

Sometimes you are expected to find so much more within the poem instead of just reading it for enjoyment. 



Throughout the many poems styles we created, there were some I liked and others that I wouldn’t want to do again. For example I really enjoyed the “found” poem. It was fun just being able to pick up a random book and make a poem out of it. 

My Favourite Poem

 I selected this book from the LAC room, not really knowing what I was looking for or how it was going to end up. If I had chosen a book from home, I would have flipped to my favorite page, and it would have been good BUT I wouldn’t have put much thought into it. By choosing a book I had never seen, the outcome of possibilities was endless. I had no pre-mindset of what I wanted. The end result was a poem that I’m quite proud of, as it has a lot of meaning, mood and emotions. This poem shows a lot of who I am because it feels like the things I enjoy and is relatable. 

Found Poem

The Ocean Breeze

Stood quite still, listening

The lights glowed

The books were neat and orderly in their cases

The bay stretched dark and silent

It was late September, the night was breathless

Summers dead hand still lay heavy on the land

The tiny spark hissed and went out

In the dark, the moon alone at night

The loneliness, starlight

The other poem I really liked making was the imagery poem. This is probably because I’m a very visual person and I like to paint a picture in my head of how the words turn into a story. 

For example when I was writing about my fish tanks, I felt like I could really picture them as I was writing. There’s DEFINITELY a mood to it. It’s a very bubbly and light hearted poem in my opinion.

Imagery Poem

In a glass oasis, fish dance and shimmer,

Plants sway, creating a watery glimmer.

Bubbling streams, rocks and caves to explore,

A hidden world, a serene place to adore.


The Poem I Didn’t Like so Much


Although it is an unpopular opinion, I’m not fond of haikus one bit. What could be easier than writing three lines about nature?? However, I find it irritating when I get a good idea, write it down and it’s not the right amount of syllables. It’s just annoying… not much else to say. 

How May I Write Poetry That I Enjoy and shows who I am?

For me personally, I write poetry better when there are less rules, for example a free verse poem. With a free verse poem you can say just the right words without having to worry about if there are the right syllables or a rhyme scheme and what not. I like poems that are more personal and don’t just say exactly what they mean. That way it reaches the right audience. The poetry I enjoy is creative and about the things I can relate to. 

When I go to write poems the mood and the tone are probably the most important piece of it. How I’m feeling in that moment definitely impacts how the poem ends up and what audience it’s going to reach. I’d say it’s probably one of the biggest pieces of the poem. 


In conclusion, even though I still don’t ADORE poetry, I do feel my perspective on it has changed. I’ve gained a greater understanding of what it really means to be a poet and that there are so many different poetry styles out there. I believe this project was a good learning experience for me.

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