Electrical operations

Waddup people of the World Wide Web.

I’m back with another BLOOOOG POOOSSSST!!!

We just finished another school project which mean I’m legally obligated to write this blog. The subject in question I science. If you didn’t know the semester change-over is coming up very soon so this will be my last PLP Science post ever. Tis oh so sad but alas we must push on and continue this post. Ok let’s get too it.

This project was named ‘Exciting Electricity’ which was all about electrical engineering. We learned all about wires and how to make circuits and it was really interesting. The driving question for this project was how does society rely on electricity and how can we generate in more sustainably. So let’s get too it. Again.

So I started off with pretty much no meaningful knowledge on the topic, fortunately in the lessons to come we would be educated on everything we needed to know. We first learnt about what sustainable energy is, to do this we first needed to know the different forms of energy generation. There are different ways to generate energy with some being sustainable, meaning non harmful to the environment, and some not. A few of the main ones are wind energy, solar energy, hydrothermal energy and fossil fuels. Fossil fuels being the most used but unfortunately it is not a sustainable source. We had the opportunity to chose our favourite energy generator and create an infographic on how it works and pros and cons of the method. I went with wind energy. I’m very proud of it.

There weren’t really any other keystones or things to be graded on specifically as this was a short project but we built up our knowledge circuits (the system of wires that gives something power) and currents in order to do the final project. We learned about different terms and measurements of electricity. If you have a circuit it’s either a parallel or a series circuit which means the is a flow (the movement of the electricity) that is only going in one direction and powers the whole circuit, or its a parallel circuit that sends a current (the flow of the electricity) to different sections of circuit so each part has its own power. I’m not just going to waffle on about all the different forms and measurement of electricity and circuits. But if you want to learn more you can research things online. All the details aren’t really necessary for the final project hitch was. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 A DIY operation board game! Now if that sounds crazy to you your not alone I was so confused when that happened. How the heck am I gonna make an entire board game. Well it’s more simple than it might seem. We just need a box, some wire, a light, something to take out, tweezers, copper tape and a human to operate on. Ok it’s not a real human but I could be with the power of imagination. The guide to the (semi) perfect operation game is at this link, if you wanna give it a shot visit the website.


I tried really hard but the wire wasn’t cooperating and kept falling out. So I couldn’t get a great video but from the spit second you can see it works. I wish I had more time to work on it but you get what you get and you don’t get upset. That said here is my creation.

To answer the driving question which was ‘How does society rely on electricity and how can we generate in more sustainably.’ Society as a whole relys way too much on electricity and power, to the point where if we lost it our brains would shut down and we wouldn’t be able to function. At the rate we are going with fossil fuels as our primary energy source we won’t be able to have this luxury forever, and either the planet will die or our sources will run out. We need to switch to a more sustainable provider of energy like wind or solar before our time runs out. Thank you for reading my final blog post of semester one and my last ever science blog post, this is a random kid on the internet signing off for the last time in science.


1 Comment

  1. Do you know the muffin man?

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