Hello world its that time for Mpol’s again but this time a few thing are different. Mainly the fact that we are starting 2 months and 22 days late from are previous Mpol’s and I have many more projects. as well much more to present, and reflect on. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”Now starting of this year (2023) it started of with a kick of. We jumped head first into are first project “Rocky Mountain high” this project was really more of a journey but, before I get side tracked, there were some very important strategies that I need to keep in mind. Keeping up with all the assignments, staying focused, and being organized were some of the key actions that I used to improve my self.📖Humanities.In Humanities, we tackled various projects, including the Rocky Mountain High, Take Your Kid to Work Day, Metaphor Machines, and Rise of The Frankenstuffies. My goal this year was to improve my preparation for tasks, particularly by getting more sleep. However, during the Metaphor Machine project, I found myself staying up late, resulting in exhaustion and disorganization the next day. To address this, I asked my team for support in writing and prioritized organization. These efforts paid off during the Winter Exhibition, leading to better than expected results. I’m still working on consistently getting enough sleep amid deadlines, aiming to prioritize rest to meet my Preparation goal by year-end. Learning the Xin Hai Revolution through Metaphors and machines
🧬Science.For science this year we had four exiting project, Seeing Double, Spark’s Fly, Chemhistory, and Handle With Care. My personal favourite was Handle with Care. This project has gotten me to really start to take a closer look into the world around me. My goal for science this year was to be more focused on tasks. I noticed in class that I didn’t stay focused on the task at hand. Instead I found my self socializing more often with peers then doing the work I was meant to be doing. The strategy that helped me to achieve this goal was separating myself and reminding my peers to focus on the work. The project “Handle With Care” shows how focus can effect the outcome of the final product. With out being able to focus me and my team would have shown a mediocre level of knowledge about the topic. (since we didn’t make science Blog’s here are some of my craft docs)
🛠️Maker.With Maker, this year we have done four creative projects, StoryFindingtheRockies, Thrill Us, Rube Goldberg Machines documentary and Destination Imaginationxd. In grade 9 Maker mainly focused on videos. Out of the four projects Thrill Us was my favourite. This project really focused of the planing and teamwork. For thrill us we created two videos. To warm up and get used to the amazing world of film me and my team of 4 were able to create a spectacular recreation of the film “Run”. During this process my goal was to ensure that I didn’t become a control freak. With most of these types of project I find my self taking the lead, and making a lot of the decisions. This year I have demonstrated that I am capable of effectively collaborating with my team, and I have our short film which demonstrates the team work that went into this.Running a re-make | a re-make of “Run”
💾 The Technology fuelling the learning.Reflecting on the beginning of the year, the technology I use, the iPad can be a distracting place. Finding the perfect way to use the device effectively was one of the challenges that I faced. To be productive when using my iPad, for me that has been shown in a few apps, Craft, TickTick, and Notion. For craft this has been the hub for all my writing, scripting, and drafting. This app is an essential part of my work flow. TickTick has been my reminders app that has some features that I truly love. Notion is one of the more recent apps and has been an amazing tool. Notion is now my new student dash board where I host all my classes and project timelines.PGP (Personal Grow Plan) My personal growth plan was created at the beginning of grade 9. This year the PGP has been slightly modified since last year. Instead of making goals for each class for Strength, growth, and support, you write down your have 6 different sections that you would write the goals in and apply to all your classes. The fallowing being, agency, engagement, conduct-ethics-integrity, preparation, self-regulation, and communication-collaboration. So far each of these goal through out the year have been displayed though out all my projects.📊How I can still grow as a learner. (learning plan)Some of the goals and strategies that I have touched on are still not quite there yet, like sleeping, and staying focused. I still find myself sometimes procrastinating. Nor thing that I have tried is productive-procrastination. This is were you are working on two things, once you get tired of the main project you work on a small project that still needs to be done. There are also other things that I have noticed that I could grow or improve upon such as even though I’m considered organized I still struggle with achieving the proper end goal. 🏁Conclusion Even though I have learned and achieved much so far this year there are still many things I need to work on. But reflecting back on everything I think that I have been going on a upward trajectory. Thank you for reading my MPol.
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