About Me
About Me: My Learning Journey as a Grade PLP 10 Student
Who Am I?
My name is Caelum and I’m a Grade 10 PLP (Performance Learning Program) student and I do my learning through trial and error. My journey so far? A mix of growth, discovery, and a few lessons in what doesn’t work.
My Learning Techniques
1. Note-Taking That Works: Brevity
• Before: Overwhelming “bulk” writing that I rarely revisited.
• Now: Point-form notes highlighting key ideas, summaries, and questions for clarity and focus.
• Next: Continually refining my system as I grow.
2. Storytelling Across Mediums:
• Learned to turn dry facts into engaging narratives using questions, driving themes, and strong vocabulary.
• Focused on typography and visual storytelling to make ideas stand out.
• Tailored content for specific audiences to connect effectively.
3. Collaboration Skills:
• Evolved from pushing my own ideas to actively listening and including others’ perspectives.
• Learned that balanced teamwork creates stronger, more impactful projects.
These techniques aren’t just for school:
• Note-taking: Keeps me organized in creative projects like videos.
• Storytelling: Helps me communicate ideas clearly, whether in visuals or group settings.
• Collaboration: Prepares me for teamwork in school and beyond, like projects at SFU’s film school.
Final Thought
Learning is a journey, not a destination. These skills are just the beginning, and I’m excited to keep growing. And as always, have a great day.