I trained my dog Loki Using Lots of different methods. The first method I used was motivation. Loki is a very food motivated dog and so It was very easy to get him to obey commands using a treat!
The second method I used was positive reinforcement ( associating doing a command with something good like a treat, a toy, high praise, rubs, a walk, etc. ) That was when for example I told him to sit he would know that he would get something good so he would sit.
The third method I used was routine. I would do things over and over until he got used to them.
By the time Loki had been with us for a week he already knew how to sit and lie down.
today Loki knows 14 commands
lie down
roll over
Sit nicely
shake a paw
high five
When Loki was a puppy we watched lots of puppy training videos and a creator we really liked was Zac George. We even bought a book of his! (Link to his Web) https://www.dogtrainingrevolution.com
Thank you for reading!