Working with words

So what is the working with word project that we did and how does it relate to the ebook post that talks about poems that i published earlier? Well this post will explain that and what this project was about.

So this project was about poetry. What is the definition of poetry though? Well the definition of poetry is: literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.   So what that mean is poetry is not a thing it is just word that people give meaning to. And please don;t just go down in to the comments below and tell me that that all books are the exact same way because this is different ok? Anyways so now that i have voiced my opions i can get on to talking about this project. So during this project ingoring the fact that poetry is not a thing i was told by my teachers to read poems and digest them.

One of the more important parts of the blog post in my opinion was our terms document. So what we did was we were given terms and examples by our teachers to write down and we would then study them because we had a poetry test. Where we were tested on our knolidge of poetry terms and how well we could anylise poetry.

The final thing that we did was we wrote all of the poems that we were told to write and then put them in an ebook that we published online. Then we had to add some media to the ebook. So we could add a drawing photo of video that we thought complemented the poem Nicely once we had done that we were to add a little sound clip next to the poem explaining what we had in mind when we wrote it.

After it finally came time for the for the coffee house presentation. In class before the night of the presentation we were put in to groups where we were assigned a type of poem. Once we had a made a poem we had too wait till it was time in the night for us to present. When it was time we live streamed in a zoom call and then we presented and the project was done except for this blog post that you are reading.

want to see my ebook well click the link below.

Horrid Poetry From A New Poet

Destination imagination-geek out blog hybrid

So you might be wondering why i am doing this blog post because it is not on theme with the other blog post in this geek out blog challenge and that is because our teachers decided that we had to combine our last geek out post with this destination imagination post. So now that i have gotten that out of the way with i can start the blog post. So this is the last post in the geek out blog challenge and this one is on destination imagination, but from now on i will just call it D.I.

But what is D.I.? Well D.I. Is and activity that is meant to encrourage teamwork. In D.I. You also have instant challenges which are meant to test how well your team can cooperate together and use eachother’s skills to succeed in the challenge that you are given to compleet. There are more that one diffrerent type of instant challenge and i will name a few. So there is building instant challenges and acting challenges of the top off my head.

So there is also diffrerent elements to a teams solution in D.I. So the team has a problem that they need to solve (oh and i have the scientific challenge so it might be different for an other challenge) so the different elements to the scientific challenge are: team choice elements, and a visual elements. 


So that i s what D.I. Is about