Tpol Grade ten

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

Welcome to my third Tpol. A tpol is about the transition between grades and proving to your parents and teacher that you are ready to move up a grade level. For this tpol we were supposed to fill a sheet honestly where we looked back on the year and thought about whether we had shown the learning of someone extending, accomplished or approaching expectations.

Here is the sheet. In it we had different category’s to look through. The part of the of the document that i think that i did the best at.

Success Behaviours Self-Assessment

Where communication and the part that i think that needs the most work is being on time with my things

In the document we where to pick one category in agency that we need to work on for next year and for me that is far and away asking for help. It is one of the things that i hate doing the most because of my stubborn pick yourself up by the bootstraps mentality and my blatant stubbornness that surrounds my personality. The part of asking for help that i need to do the most is asking my parents for help. For the last project that i did in plp the i asked for help from my mom running over things and spell checking things because when i spell check things my self it doesn’t go well.

The next thing that will highlight is under engagement and that is enthusiasm. I will cut to the chase here because this has been present in me and my learning since i was in elementary school. If i don’t like a project or an activity/assignment i don’t really do well and i tend to phone this in. Next year this is something that i need to do better in and i have some ideas as to how i can do better at this but i would love some feedback from my teachers and parents.

For the third category i would like to highlight something positive that i think i did well in this year. This is the integrity and and conduct section. This section is not using things like ChatGPT for evil as the PLP teachers would say. Using technology for good.

This is something that i have not had a problem with and i can honestly say i haven’t used ChatGPT to do my work for me. I have used it for good as my PLP teacher would say. This includes using AI for ideas but adapting them and making them your own.

A project that i think is an opportunity for growth looking back is the racism project that we did. In this project we had to make an exhibit about one of three groups that had a notable and severe discrimination event. My group did the Japanese discrimination during world war 2 when they were interned, had their rights taken away, had all of their assets seized and were never given back and had their property and business’s sold to cover the cost of their interments.

In this project i would say that i didn’t have the strongest group to put it nicely my group wasn’t the most focused and they were responsible for the boat and the boat showed the amount of effort that had gone into it. I personally think that i did my fair share making the posters for the project finding images and helping make the boat that we did for out exhibit when i had completed my tasks. This was a great learning experience for me that you can always do more and encourage other s to make sure that everyone succeeds in a project.

The final project that i would like to draw upon as a learning experience is the first project that we did in Maker/Pgp this year. This project was about self improvement and meditation. Things that i was not interested in in the way that it was being taught. I am not a opposed to self improvement but the way that we where doing it in class was very irritating for me and as a result of this i phoned it in the entire time and as a result of this my grade showed this. This is a good learning experience for me because it shows what happen when i don’t self advocate it’s revealing that i really need to self advocate.