Once upon a time there were four groups in a society called Nation X the groups were. Group A, group B and group C and D. I was in group B which owned the candy store in the town and group A was the poorest because they were the peasants, in the game each group had a daily wage group A got 1$ a day and we got 2$ a day and group C got 5$ then group D the leaders got 9$ a day. Now, our first day started off great we sold many items to all groups our first prices for group D and C were, CANDY 10$, LEMONADE 20$ then for group A it was 2$ for CANDY and 5$ for LEMONADE. We made 70$ but since taxes were 70% of our money we only got 20$ as peasants that is amazing but we did lose a lot of money to the rich.

As you know back then the peasants were the bottom of the table but we did still have responsibilities in the simulation like we had to write a 50 word report on how our day went in the society here is an example.


Then we also, had the freedom to talk to the other peasants like group A but not group C or D  unless they approached one of us. After the first day I made a note requesting to shorten the tax money to 60% for us and 40% for them here is the sheet!

Later on in the game things got heated so I wanted to make a stand with my king Keaton of group B he was a loyal, michevious , but smart king that had great ideas to get out of tough situation, long live the king. So, we approached the great king and asked for permission to speak to group C so we can communicate about our difficulties as a community and it was approved but group D was suspicious of our request then later on in the third day there were rumours about scams on our store and also, rumours of a world war!

Us group B did have high prices which the higher table did spend which gave us the riches and the advantage but then the universe gave group D weapons in case of war but again group D foolishly was selling their weapons except for one man which was in group D that the king did not like Prince Charlie 111 he was a bold member of group D. He was the smartest but the king had more authority so he sent letters to all group leaders to ban Prince Charlie 111 to the streets and it was a great advantage for the peasants to come together and pay for the weapons and take over group D but group C saw this and decided to chip in to fight group D then we got one axe. But then the king with his amazing axe called a meeting so I sir Cameron got lose to the king to give a question to the majesty but when he let his hand off his axe I grabbed it and killed him right there but the universe killed me as soon as he saw these actions and it was the end of me, my last words were “long live the king”.


All in all we ended off with 300$ in the bank tripling the other groups. Our group treated the higher ups terribly but our own with respect and kindness until the end where we allied with group C.

It went wrong by group D not realizing that group B “us” were creeping on them to kill them but otherwise in our sense everything went to plan.

Here is the great Axe I stole and killed the king with  and here is our money as well!



Thanks CameronBR



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