Hello bloggers,
today I am reflecting on another awesome maker project it started off with the launch where we looked over. Our past project vibrant videos and all of the skills and techniques we used to make an effective video. Then we continued with that idea by watching the first Avatar movie to see the themes and angles and shots they used to have a successful movie.
The final product of this project was obvious when I was writing down the themes because it could only mean one thing with this whole lead up. That was to make a documentary about our favourite themes.
After watching the full movie we got together and picked out the most repetitive themes seen in the movie there was racism, militarism and more. But the one that interested me most was militarism because of my dad and moms line of work. after we figured out our themes we had to layout how our movie was going to be and the expectations of it. One of the expectations was to have an interview about militarism and like I touched on my parents are in the physical and also mental side of RCMP/ Militarism.
After we figured all of that out we got down to the work. Part of the preparation was how to make an interview effective. So, I partnered up with my friend Christian Lo here is the video.
After this we got down to work and started filming throughout the teachers were mentioning strategy’s to excel in your movie one of them was B-roll.
It was a difficult but fun experience filming becasue you never knew if it looked great or bad until you watched it tons of times. For example every time I thought I was done I would look at it and see mistakes that I need to fix. So the process of it all was tiring and long.
But, in the end I am decently happy with my product here it is.
After we finished our documentary we moved onto the winter exhibition where we used our documentary to present at the exhibition but it would be boring with just the documentary’s so we built a box about our theme while presenting our documentary. We got assigned to our themes with the grade 8’s and made a great room with great costumes and more.
This exhibition took lots of preparation with picking food to eat at our station and a fun game to play at our stations overall I think I deserve a great grade for my leadership role I took in this project.
Thanks Cameron BR