Navigating Setbacks and Defining Success: Who Are You Going to Be?

Success a word that people look and dream for in there everyday lives as success is temporary and setbacks are common but, how do you face these setbacks and how do you overcome them?

Our driving question for these project was Who are you going to be? 

In this project I encountered many repetitive common beliefs from many not just my friends, peers, and family but many other people. My interview, the speed dating and more represented this point of success: « Surround yourself with the right people that support and influence your goals and eliminate the people that hold you back from your dreams. » This will help you find and achieve your purpose and desires in life.

When I reflect on this project I have a different perspective on the world and individuals. For example SCHOOL, I am now realizing that teachers are trying to help us find our desires and purpose in life so we can be prepared for our goal in life. Also, enhance our opportunities if it doesn’t work out. But when you face setbacks this is when it leads to having a safe and reliant environment of people to fall back on through rough times and to help you get back up from them. Along with this you need the right mindset and belief that you can be successful in anything you put your mind to as long as you put in the work.

Like I said before this project once again showed who I am and who I want to be. The Stickman assignment showed me this and here’s why. I have always been passionate about soccer, spending countless hours on the field, perfecting my skills and honing my technique.

It has been my dream to become a professional soccer player, to compete on the grandest stages and inspire others with my talent. But hearing and writing it from the Stickman assignment, in such a seemingly destined way, really made it stick out that I know who I want to be.

But who am I as a person? This is what the speed dating influenced through asking personal questions like what makes you angry and what are your desires. I answered them with passion and quickness as I knew the answer right away which shows you that I meant it.

So here’s a picture of my time speed dating!

Then we took an approach of a new type of understanding of who you want to be and that was connecting and critical thinking. We watched a very inspiring video of a 15 year old Sam Bernes a man who suffers from a disease called progeria. He took us on his journey and steps to a more happy life which really brought out humbleness and gratitude towards the opportunities and advantages we have over some others who might struggle.

But this guy was inspiring because he had the guts to go up in a big crowd and talk about how grateful he was even though he has progeria. After this phenomenal lesson we learned how to take away connections and relations from life story’s like Sam Bernes and his philosophy’s. Sam Bernes

We got assigned a book report of our choice were we would summarize and connect to the book that we had read and pull inspiring thoughts and stories from them.

I chose Alphonso Davies a highly decorated Canadian soccer player who plays for one of the best teams in the world Bayern Munich.

I chose him because I knew a tiny bit about his past before he was a champions league winner and the youngest MLS player to ever play. Here is my summary and key takeaways to Alphonso Davies story.

Book Report (Alphonso Davies)

His story is truly inspiring to everyone around the world because of how much he fought for his dreams and overcame adversity. Then we took an approach to interview someone outside of your family that you find inspiring and successful. I chose my strength training coach Arad Seyedin he is a true role model for dedication and patience to success and of course hard work. Arad is a joyful and intense guy that will take on new challenges and be there with you to support you and is someone you want to be around if you want to be successful because he rubs off his positive energy and work ethic. I think I’ve introduced him enough but here are a few of the clips from the interview that I thought were meaningful.

This was a very inspiring and humble project that ask’s who are you and who do you want to be. In conclusion I want to be a professional soccer player and to get there I need to have grit, determination, confidence, and most of all humbleness. To wrap it up we did a PDF on what we learned throughout the project so here it is and remember to stay relentless and always chase you dreams.

synthesis brainstorm

Thanks, Cameron BR

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