
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and Read More…

New Beginnings

Hello Bloggers, and welcome to my final humanities 8 blog its been a long year of being a blogger but I am looking forward to reflecting on this project. This project focused on New France ( Quebec ) and photography & editing. Their were many focus’s in this project like photography and history but what Read More…


Hello bloggers The driving question for this project is: The relationship between surface area and volume of 3D objects can be used to describe, measure, and compare spatial relationships. Today I am reflecting on our hardest project so far its called ultimate design challenge. The challenge was to make a 3d model using the app Read More…

Chemistry Coding 🥋💻

Hello friends, Over the past few months we have been doing a project called chemistry coding. The first thing we did was ask about the project and then our teacher added that we were going to have to know the kinetic molecular theory and the atomic theory. I had some questions lots of questions so Read More…


Hello fellow bloggers this is my DI final blog post a few months a go I did a DI mid point post About my progress half way through DI but now DI is finished so, like every project I have to reflect picking up from my last post we finished determining what we were doing Read More…


Destination Imagination is a project-based experience that encourages creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking skills. Destination Imagination applies the creative process to help the student teams create their own solutions. My groups team challenge in DI is called festival frenzy our challenge is based off of improv and festivals. My team is Hannah, Ronan, Caitlin, Read More…