Lights, Camera, Photos! (Part Photography)

Know: Content
  • Media production skills and storytelling for still images
  • Layout and design for graphics and images
Understand: Big Ideas
  • Complex tasks may require multiple tools and technologies.
Do: Curricular Competencies
  • Creative Communicator: How might I use technology to create and communicate?

In the Herzog learning group, the first media skill that I learned was to use Keynote and Shortcuts to create cool GIFs of myself and my friends. One of the neat effects I was able to show through GIFs was transforming myself from when I was young into present day Cam. This was able to communicate the changes in my features and show the aging process. The second media skill was the process of creating a silhouette. I found this quite complex because there were multiple small steps that would have really changed the photo if not completed. I made sure to remain focused so as to avoid missing any crucial steps. I paid close attention to the task and still managed to somehow transform my partner from image A into image B (a monkey-like silhouette that looks like it has an indented skull and a hair bun).




As I think about the Herzog activities, I think that my photography course in Grade 7 helped me get a head-start on the basics of photography including “leading lines” and the “rule of thirds”, so while I learned how to use some of the newer programs, some of the content was a review.

Overall, I really enjoyed this photo unit. It taught me a lot of techniques that I was previously unaware of.  10/10. Would recommend to a classroom near you.

Tectonic Terror (No Earthquakes?)

I learned a lot during this project, and I can confidently say that I have improved my understanding of tectonic plates, major vocabulary such as “subduction” and “faults”, and the design process.

We didn’t incorporate much into our game in terms of mathematics, but somethings that I would like to include next time are as follows:

1. I want to include more mathematical probability and terms into the game

2. I want to make the game shorter and easier to win so that you don’t have to take as much time to complete it.




These are my game rules. We had to rush this list because we were so busy working on the visuals of the game. I will keep in mind for the next project to do everything asked of me and fit all the criteria as best I can (lesson learned: time management important). I still think that the game rules turned out pretty well, even though we didn’t include any probability into it.


I strengthened my understanding of the curricular competencies by going through the step-by-step process of creating a game and understanding all the elements that it takes to create the game in its entirety.