see exemplary blog here

Blog Rules:

  • all section headings should be {heading 3}, but Driving Question section heading should be {heading 1}, with the actual question {italic} and {heading 3} but no {bold}
  • all section headings should be set in the middle, including the “-driving question-”
  • starting blurb should be {heading 6}, with “[ ]” enclosing it
  • all paragraphs should be {paragraph}
  • after each section, {double enter}. this does not apply to “[starting blurb]”
  • use {shortcode: divider – straight & big} to separate driving question section and the rest of the blog

[any extra blurbs at the start or sidenotes]

“The Project Path”

Introduction and talk about the vague what we did in the project (i.e. built a wall, had a fake court case, committed tax evasion perfectly, etc). It’s basically a summary.

Then kick off blog post.


“My Learning Adventure”

Talking about the facts and history I learned during the course of the project.


“The Skills”

Talking about the physical and digital and mental skills I either learned or worked on or used during the course of the project.


“My Work”

My work. (e.g. presentations, pdfs, illustrations, spreadsheets, etc.)


“Photo Gallery” [optional]

Photos taken that help show learning (or are just relevant).

“Driving Question and Answer”

-driving question-

Answer the question.