The Medium is the Message Summative Blog

  • This was my first draft ad. I basically had no idea what I was doing when we first started the project back on September 13. This draft had way too much text on it and was very visually unappealing.
  • For this draft, I took away a lot of the text and gave it a Deep Cove background so that the ad would feel more local.
  • For this draft, I added Patricia’s name to the image. I also went down to Deep Cove and took some photos, which I put into the background of my ad.
  • In this version of the individual ad, I changed the colours so that they were complimentary, which made the ad pop. I also added a bit more text information, including contact info.
  • For my final draft, I fixed the typo in Patricia’s name and took out some of the extra contact info. I also cropped it so that there wasn’t any extra white bits on the edges.

How does what we hear, read, and see influence us? This is the question that was asked to us in Humanities. To help us discover the answer to this question, the PLP teachers assigned us groups to work in together and gave us a business that we were required to make an ad for. As you can see above, this is the individual path that I took to create my ad.

The big idea of this project is:

– Building understanding of media and messaging

– Understanding the influences on us when we think about what we hear, read, and see

– To bring that understanding to the driving question and be able to answer the question for ourselves to help us be better educated citizens!

This is the part where I’m supposed to share two pieces of evidence of my learning, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing.

Evidence #1: The group ad. We built this off of the individual ads. In our group, we based our ad off of Ruby’s ad, which depicted Patricia Houlihan (our business) as a superhero. We made lots of drafts and put a lot of time and effort into this project. The final draft took a long time to perfect and I think it came a long way from the original. I think this is worthy of being a piece of my evidence of learning because it shows how I helped my team create this stunning final ad.  It also shows how we improved through revision and reflection.

Evidence #2: The Design Principles Workbook. This was (in my mind) a large project, and I took a lot more time than I probably should have working on this. I acted like a perfectionist, making sure every detail was just right, when in reality, it never could. I think this is worthy of being considered evidence of my learning because it shows how I put lots of effort into this assignment.

Some of my strengths from these assignments were that I stayed social with my team and coordinated our efforts. The downside to this was that I distracted my teammates when we were working. Another strength of mine during these projects was that I was reliable. I made sure that we got the activities done on time. One thing that I still need to work on during homework is my time management. That brings me to my next stretch, I need to stop being distracted. I can be easily distracted by my peers and friends, and I need to focus on focusing. This brings me to Strength/Stretch #3: I am somewhat flexible. I am only human, so I am sometimes flexible when it comes to a change of plans, relocation, surprise assignments, and so on and so forth.

In conclusion, I think the answer to the driving question (above) is that it influences us by informing us on life, which then shapes our personality and gives us unique characteristics. For example, John Dewey was a psychologist, an American philosopher, and an educational reformer whose ideas were influential in social reform and education. People heard what he had to say and this influenced them to make change and act differently. That is my answer.

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