This is my first post!!! In Maker we had to write a post about something you really like. Like many other people, I like so many things. It’s hard to only like one thing, but I had to chose. But I decided to write about volleyball.
Volleyball is such an amazing sport to play. It is fun, easy to learn and it makes you fitter! But dont worry, I will explain more on why you should play it. Volleyball is fun for so many reasons. For me, having an amazing spike or overhand serve that goes over the net, is such a great feeling to have. Making sure that volleyball is fun is very important. If you aren’t having fun, they why would you continue playing? You can tell all your friends to join a league so you can play volleyball together to make it even more fun. If not, take your volleyball (if you have one) over to Myrtle and practice bumping and setting to each other! Volleyball is also really easy to learn. To start off all you need to know how to bump and set. It’s pretty simple but I cannot explain over writing. You can search up how to do this on YouTube. Here is a video of the postions in volleyball:
Here is a video of a drill that you can do to improve your bumping:
It’s actually way easier than you think if you actually try to learn how to play. Volleyball also makes you fitter because you’re moving around, but doesn’t tire you out. I love volleyball for so many reasons and those were only some. I would play volleyball every day if I could and hope someday I could. Thank you for reading my choice post. Hopefully you can try volleyball!