Story Blog Post

Welcome back to another. Today our driving question is; how can we use storytelling to investigate what sparked global exploration and understand its impact.

AR Makr

If this is your first time hearing this (which it probably is) is because it’s a really glitchy app that makes photos come to life and 3D. It would be pretty cool if it wasn’t so glitchy and the audio quality is better.

The three G’s

As soon as you read that you’re probably wondering what the 3 G’s are, Gold, Glory and God. God: Most people were Christian. They thought they had to spread that and make everyone else believe in that religion. Gold: Gold was a very valuable thing. If you had a lot of gold, you were weathly which is a good thing. Glory: Every group of people who found new lands wanted to be seen by the royals. They would come in and make presentations to be sponsored by the royals. If they got sponsors the

Causes and consequences

This was based on the age of exploration. It just makes us recognize that our actions have an impact. Good or bad. Our main assignment on this was a padlet. It is a website that makes boards and you just put in your idea and it organizes it.

The story mountain ⛰️

So we had to write a story about a traveller that traded. Sounds pretty fun, doesn’t it. I added a bit of my imagination to it and then Ms Madsen had to get me to change a couple of things.  But that’s ok. Thennnn we had to make a video with AR Makr. I don’t like that app (I hope we don’t have to use it again). While we have the video going, we have to voice over and read the story. My story’s real long so if you’re wondering, that’s why it’s 3 minutes😉.


This is the end of my post. It was very last minute becasue I don’t want Showbie to close on me. See ya!

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