Welcome back to another post! This one is about science and vaccines.
The driving question was “how does our knowledge of cell biology contribute to public heath?”
Experimenting with Petri dishes!
This was probably my favourite experiment so far. We got to swab an object, wipe the swab on the Petri dish, and wait! The waiting part was a little bit hard, but the results were crazy. So, I decided to swab my iPad and my phone to see which one has the most germs. I touch both of them on a daily basis. Who knows. I predicted my phone to have more bacteria, because it is a smaller surface area, and more people touch it. The results: they were equally as dirty, and it was kinda gross to look at. I would definitely do this experiment again.
My Field Journal.
My field journal was used to keep track of the Petri dish, my hypothesis and the bacteria growing. We had to be VERY specific with our observations otherwise it wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Immune System Cell Cards
So a week or two after doing the Petri dish experiment, we started learning about our immune system and all the cells that are inside you that help to fight off germs and diseases. We had to make character cards for the t-cell, b-cell, macrophage, white blood cell and the pathogens (germs and diseases). I drew a couple of the paw patrol characters. Here they are:
Why Don’t People Get Vaccinated?
Moving on to the next thing we learned, vaccines. The thing that we mainly focused on was, why don’t some people get vaccinated? Some reasons are: the vaccine was made rushed, the side effects, gives you autism (the one that I chose to do) and that it puts a micro chip inside you. Most of those reasons are pretty stupid, so I decided to make a poster to show that it doesn’t.
The End!
I learned so much in the past few months in science. It is very important to be educated on these things so we can get knowledge to pass onto future generations.