We Went to Another Lake with no Loons

Hi, so we just recently went on a PLP field study to… Loon Lake!! That’s right. The lake we visited last year we went to again. But it was different, and by that I mean the activities we did were different. So let’s do a day by day recap for Loon Lake 2022 Pt.2 (also here’s my first loon lake post so you know what buildings I’m talking about.)( Loon Lake pt.1 link)  Day 1   So to start we were doing a program at Loon Lake called Pinnacle Pursuits this program was all about leadership, taking initiative, and building a cooperative team. You can check them out here. (👉 Link) so we met the leader, his name was Jono and he had us do an activity that was called “The North Wind Blows” in which one person says something that they have done. i.e The North Wind Blows on anyone who’s skied or snowboarded of a cliff, and then anybody else in the circle who has done that has to find an empty spot left by another person who also moved. In the moment I didn’t really see the value of this activity, but in hindsight I now see that it was to get us to open up a little and become more comfortable with our team and Jono. After that we went to the Panabode and learned more about what pinnacle pursuits was all about. Afterwards we went to lunch and had very tasty chicken tenders. Then we did two outdoor activities. In which we were split into two groups and those groups would rotate activities. So our group did a low ropes course first. Which is like tight rope walking very close to the ground. It was great team building because if you fell your friends had to catch you. For the second activity it was a scavenger hunt. Then we ate dinner. After dinner we did a debrief on the first day and made a poster about who we are. In my honest opinion I didn’t really take this first day seriously. I wasn’t serious about the leadership activities we were doing. We then went to bed.  Here are some photos from the first day Day 2  So on the start of day two we did leadership work in the morning in a booklet that we got. Unfortunately I lost my booklet so I can’t show it to you. But we did leadership activities an thinking what traits we want to be like adaptability in leadership. We also did a team building exercise involving cards, the activity was you put cards into a circle of rope and you have to run in a take one and leave before someone else can enter the circle. You have to line up the cards from ace to king first group done wins. After lunch we did a rock climbing activity. For the second activity we had to pass a ball between each of our hands to get the fastest time our group got a time of under 3 seconds we went inside and did more learning about what it means to be a leader and how to lead your team. We then had dinner. Then had a debrief on the day. A debrief on how the day went and where we can improve and where we were successful. Overall for this day I still wasn’t taking it as seriously as I should have. I didn’t capitalize on as many learning opportunities as I could.  Day 3  On our final day of the Pinnacle Pursuits program my attitude changed majorly. I participated in activities, I stepped up to become a leader in the high ropes course by creating a 15 crate high, milk crate tower with Sepaus the second activity was trust falls starting with a basic trust fall and working up until we were falling from 6 feet! Here is a video of my fall  Fall Video  Afterwards we did a little debrief before dinner. The final activity with the pinnacle pursuit was called “Crossing the Line” in which Jono would ask a question and we would walk to the other side of the line if we had done that thing. After that activity we went to bed.  Day 4  On the fourth day, we did some normal PLP things mixed into leadership activities. So we made a logo the representative of you. Here is mine. We also went for a nice nature walk around the entire lake. It was very funny because there was snow everywhere which made it hard to walk up some of the hills.  Day 5  On this day we just packed up and left.  There were somethings that we did throughout the entire 3 days of pinnacle pursuits such as making a personal credo. What is a credo you may ask? Well a credo is a short statement that describes you and how you are as a person. Here is mine  Overall I learned a lot at Loon Lake about myself, teammates and the world. I learned how to work as a team, I learned how to step up into leadership position whilst not dismissing others. I hope I can apply this knowledge going forward into my everyday life.  Thanks for reading!! çarter=blõg P.S here are some photos I took of the lake. 


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