I Must Issue An Ology With That Apology

Hello! Welcome back to another humanities blog post this one is about the latest project we did called “Ology of Apology” in which we learned about past atrocities committed by the Canadian government. The atrocity I chose to learn about was “Japanese Internment” in which the during WW2 the Canadian government interned more the 22,000 […]

We Went to Another Lake with no Loons

Hi, so we just recently went on a PLP field study to… Loon Lake!! That’s right. The lake we visited last year we went to again. But it was different, and by that I mean the activities we did were different. So let’s do a day by day recap for Loon Lake 2022 Pt.2 (also […]

A Murder, a Cariboo, and a Blog Post

Hey, welcome back to another Blog Post. In this Humanities project, we were learning about the BC gold rush. We were to choose a group of immigrants I chose Chinese peoples. We will be answering the driving question of: How did the discovery of gold shape our province and its people? Out final product was […]

How Much Money is in Time

Hey there welcome back to another Scimatics Blog post this will be my last post of the grade 9 school year and also what I think is my last Scimatics post as PLP 10 does not offer Scimatics. But for now, let us get into it. This project was called Time Is Money. This project […]

tPOLS 2022

  tPOL stands for Transitional Presentation Of Learning. I will be answering the Driving Question: “Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?” Along with this answer, I will be explaining my growth as a learner.    “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the […]

Impact in 3.2.1

  Hey! Welcome back to a special blog post about the Spring Exhibition. Called Impact! Our class along with the grade 8s worked together to make 5 sections Introduction, PBL Pathway, Beyond the Classroom, Technology For Learning, and Conclusion. I was a part of the Introduction group. Our job was to greet people and to […]

I made a Documentary

Hello, and welcome back to another blog post. In this one, we made a documentary. In the final maker project of the year “Your First Film”. The purpose of the documentaries was to have us use our filming techniques and interview etiquette to make an awesome film. The Driving Question for this project was “How […]

Mitosis Sounds Like Meiosis

Hello all and welcome back. We have finished yet another project involving mitosis and meiosis for this project we were tasked with building 3D models is Tinkercad about the stages of mitosis and meiosis then combine that into a video with some real photos we took of mitosis cells in garlic roots and also lifting […]

Vibe In The Video

Welcome all. We have completed another Maker project called Vibrant Video. This post was all about video making and editing. The Driving Goal for this project was: Create a final reflective blog post on your learning portfolio that shows the growth of your skills making vibrant videos. We used mainly iMovie and Clips for this […]

The War To End All Wars…? (Not really)

Hello welcome back to another Humanities blog in this project we learned about the First World War and Canadian involvement. Our final product was a Comic Book about a battle that Canada fought in, what happened on the home front, and certain groups of people and how they were involved like women or indigenous contributions. […]