My Face is in a Painting… Again?


Here is my Paragraph explaining my Renaissance Art!

Learning about the Renaissance helps me reflect on how lucky we are that we now have the opportunity to learn.

Back in the Renaissance times, we read time in a very different and less specific way. It took a while for people to create the clock like it is now, people used sun dials, water clocks, or even just guessed the time by looking at the sky. Nowadays, you can just pull out your phone and see the exact time, or look at some clock in the room. 

It is so strange to picture life before clocks. I doubt ‘time’ was a completely bizarre idea, but it definitely didn’t control peoples lives like it does now. If you did not know the exact time, you could not arrange plans like we can now, or get in trouble for being late like you can now, because ‘late’ was barely a thing. If someone told you to meet up around sunrise, you could get there anywhere from 3am to 8am, and still not be considered late, especially if you think about how much seasons change how time must have been perceived. 

I showed this idea in my artwork by including a golden clock that I took from a painting called ‘Portrait of a Woman Holding a Clock’.

Another thing I showed in my artwork was the society aspect of worldview. Every type of person went to a church, it united people, and was seen as the most important place in the area. Churches had so much power, and so did the people who ran them. In the renaissance times, people were just beginning to be given power for their knowledge rather than for their religious standing. Even though almost everyone was religious, and went to church regularity, the people leading the church eventually began to loose power.

When education became something people wanted, the people who had knowledge became powerful. The church still had very much power, the Renaissance times was when I think that the dominoes began to fall, slowly taking away the power that the church held. 

I showed this in my artwork by including a wing of an angel, from a painting called ‘The Annunciation’

The last aspect of worldview I want to mention is beliefs. In the Renaissance times, people almost completely believed anything that the church said to them, which included their beliefs about the afterlife. People believed in angels, devils, heaven and hell. The church told people that those were the options, and people believed them- and still do. 

Even though we have learned so much in the years since the Renaissance times, some people see religious beliefs as a sort of fragmented reality, and some people see it as just reality. Now, people do not completely base their lives off of what the church tell them, but the Renaissance times still impacts how we live today. 

To show this idea in my art I used pieces of the painting called ‘The Assumption of the Virgin’.

Everything that happened in the past effects our lives today. Hundreds of years ago, someone created a sundial, and now time controls our lives everywhere we go. People wanted power and knowledge, and now, your social value relies on how much you know. The past dictates everything we do, and everything we know.

Sketches Pro, a Boot Camp

I think Sketches Pro might be one of my new favourite hobbies. It’s user friendly and I love trying out all the tools. There’s an infinite amount of designs possible with this program. For this project, ‘Having fun with drawing’ we made five different drawings that helped us learn to learn sketches pro. 


The first thing we were tasked with was drawing a word. I chose the word ‘Create’ and I made the word with green block letters, surrounded by little green doodles and lines. Making the word was a good starting point in our bootcamp because not only was it a fun thing to do, but it also showed our teacher what skills we already had. I am really proud of what I made, I like the imperfectness of the blocky letters I drew, the shapes of the letters, and the colours I chose. I think I could work on making the letters a bit easier to read, some people had a bit of trouble reading my word. To make my word, I used the pen-brush tool, and the grid ruler tool.


The second thing we did was make 3d shapes with shading. I made two purple spheres and a green pyramid. We made these shapes to learn how to draw 3d shapes, and to begin learning how to shade. Shading your drawing adds so much dimension, and I am really proud of how all three of my shapes turned out. tIn order to make the shapes, I used the pen-brush, the sharpe ruler tool, the paint bucket and opacity tool, and the airbrush tool. My favourite is the circle I made using a sort of negative space to show the shape of the sphere. 


The next thing I worked on was the shape robot. I named my robot the ‘evil green butler’ and made it with a variety of different shapes and shading. I shaded the right corner of all of the different shapes, and added a purple shadow behind it. To make my robot I used the shape ruler tool, the airbrush tool, the blending tool, and the brush pen tool. I am really proud of my robot, and it might be my favourite thing we made in within this project.


Another thing we worked on was making our own emoji. I worked on two emojis, an angry bumble bee and a sad face, but I only ended up finishing the bumble bee. This was the most complex thing I made in this project, and I am proud of how it came together.  I used the fill tool, the shape ruler tool, the marker tool, and the brush pen tool. I really like my emoji that I made, but i think I could have made it a bit less crowded. It is almost hard to look at with all of the contrasting colours I used, the bright yellows and the hard blacks. Maybe I could have used more muted colours or simplified the drawing. Overall I am proud of the emoji i made, and there is not too much I would change.


The last thing we made was a logo for our imaginary business. My business is a robot workshop. The way it works is you put in orders for us to build a robot of any shape or form, and we ask no questions. Some people use our robots to finish their homework, or play catch, but the majority of our customers use our robots to plot the demise of innocents, and like I said, we ask no questions. The robot on my logo is the ‘evil green butler’ which is the robot I created in the third assignment. I actually created two business and logos, but I liked the second one better. To make my current logo, I used the circle ruler tool, the shapes tool, the lettering tool, the colour fill tool, the airbrush tool, and the blend tool. I like my logo and the only thing I think I would change about it is to try and make the lower sentence follow the bottom of the circle. This is probably my favourite thing that I made in this project.

I really enjoyed this project, It was so much fun to explore sketches pro, and I will definitely continue to use the program and hopefully improve.