Reflection Of My Learning
Thank you for coming to listen about my learning. I am an expert on my own learning. I am responsible for my learning and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will be discussing my strengths and opportunity’s for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
Main projects:
-Crusades/ Middle Ages
-Becoming A PLP Learner
-Interesting Images/ Geek Out
-Pandora’s Box/ Winter Exhibition
I Set A Goal To Be: Accomplished for Humanities.
I Set A Goal To Be: Extending for Maker.
How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?:
I have noticed I have demonstrated growth as a learner this year so far by managing my time better. When I come to school early in the mornings I like to look at the days work ahead, and plan out what to do in class. I also sometimes look over my homework from the past, and make sure it has all the information needed.
How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?:
I can sharpen my learning plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year by changing my learning plan for humanities to extending instead of accomplished. I feel like I can push myself enough to try my hardest to get extending in humanities. I can do this by managing my time better, asking questions more often, and adding more information after I have completely finished all of the required work.
On my learning plan, I said I wanted to learn more about world history. So far, we have learned about The Feudal System and The Crusades. I would say I have learned a lot about them, then I did before.
Things I could work on/ Habits:
I would like to work on my time management. For example when we were creating the Crusades and Feudal System power play, I would plan it out and start to add a little bit more information for each slide. Half way through when the project is going to be due, I notice that I start to do less work, and not even work on it at all. But when the assignment is due in two or so days, I start to finish it up and leave the remaining to the last couple days. I could have easily finished the power play and then have time to look over my work closely and see if I needed to add anymore information, or work on spelling mistakes. I also first want to add all the information necessary to the project, and then build on extra information for my power play and projects, so I don’t overwhelm myself.
Humanities Reflection:
At the beginning of the year, I set my humanities goal to be accomplished. I think I have improved on my goal, (ask more questions) but I could do better. I like to do well in Humanities because it wasn’t one of my stronger subjects. If I don’t do well for a project, I always like to try harder on the next one. I used many different ways to create my power play. Looking back on The Crusades power play, I have realized that I wish I had put more information. I had the time to add more information, which would be more about the people, what they did, and what they ate.
Power Plays Made On Keynote:
The Outsiders Work Sheet Form After Reading The Book:
How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?:
I can sharpen my learning plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year in Maker by sharing more of my ideas with others. I can do this by being more confident when sharing my ideas in a group.
On my learning plan, I said I wanted to build and create projects with only a certain amount of materials. When I made my Pandora’s box I would say I made my box with only a certain amount of materials. I went to the Dollar Store to get a couple things that I didn’t have at my house, and I also used only a couple things from my house. I had to think of how to use my materials so I don’t waste them. I also said I can stretch beyond my comfort zone by showing more of my project to people I don’t know, which I did for the Winter Exhibition. I talked to many parents explaining my project.
Maker Reflection:
On my learning plan I set a goal to get exceeding for Maker. Out of all of the projects we have done, the interesting images project was my favourite. I love to take photos and I am always open to learn more about photography. Since we were learning all these skills on our iPads, I have learned how to take photos with the iPad being so big compared to the phone. I learned how to make a silhouette with only black and white. For the Geek Out blog post, I am pretty proud of it. I tried hard to not spoil anything, since I chose a TV show. When we were learning about becoming a PLP Learner, I had the most fun filling out the Big Life Journal. I especially loved creating a dream board and creating a bucket list. I loved also creating my MeMoji, like trying to find and make the different stickers to put on my laptop. I learned many skills from those projects that I now use to help me with projects.
Taking A Digital Selfie:
Laptop MeMoji:
Big Life Journal – Chapter 2 Choice:
User Manual:
Big Life Journal – Chapter 3 Dream Board:
Learning Portfolio Post: (MeMoji, Dream Board, Bucket List, User Manual)
Making Interesting Images Keynote:
Big Life Journal – Bucket List:
Finding Fun With Drawing Book:
Winter Exhibition – Pandora’s Box:
Using Skills In Keynote:
Science Learning Plan I Set:
I have really enjoyed PLP, as it has helped me to stretch my thinking, and build a growth mindset. I have learned how to use many apps that I now use today to create other projects. For example, I have learned how to use Keynote to help me make my Middle Ages power plays. I have also learned to get in the habit of checking basecamp, my email, and Showbie for any information I can add to my calendar and Things. Learning to more productively manage my time, and to keep to do lists has helped me stay on top of my work load. These skills will continue to help me be successful in semester two and for my life in the future.
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